Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Please just go call your mum."

That's all I've heard for the past week. My dad thinks that she's missing me but I know that's not true. I'm in London, halfway across the world. I don't even know what time it would be in Chicago to actually call her. I sat in my room, watching my phone for my friend to text me details about the concert. I could hear my dad pacing in the hall, waiting to hear me call my mother.

"I can hear you dad!" I shouted and rolled my eyes when I heard him run off to the kitchen.
I sat on my bed so my legs were hanging off. My dad's flat was small but a comfortable size. I didn't complain because he let me stay here whenever I wanted. My dad and I have always had a special bond that I really do not have with my mother.

I noticed that he hadn't moved my pictures that I left here the last time I ran away. My phone buzzed and I saw an incoming call from Lacey. I picked up right away.

"Lacey! What's going on?" I asked quickly.
"I have the tickets. I'll be at your flat around 5 tonight. Bring the shirt." She sounded so excited, as was I.
"Ok. I'll be waiting downstairs. Are you picking up Shannon too?"
I heard a mumble of a yes and music blasting in the background.
"I'll see you then!" I shouted, hoping she would hear me. I hung up the phone and changed into my t-shirt and jeans that were still in their normal spot.

"Dad, I'm going to run to the store. I'll be back soon." I said as I grabbed my coat.
"Be careful, love. Tell Mr. Sykes that he can add whatever you buy to my tab." My dad yelled from the back room, most likely his office.
"It's fine dad don't worry."
"I can pay for your snacks. American girls." I could picture him shaking his head at the last part.

I hurried out of the door and into the hallway. I made sure the door was locked behind me and I began my journey to the corner shop. As I jumped down the last few stairs of the flat, I jumped right into another person. I fell back on the stairs and looked up to see who I had just face planted with.

"Charlie?" I said rubbing my head.
"Do I know you?" He said, doing the same.
"Yeah. Rebecca. Rebecca Daniels? Floor 3." I said standing in front of him.
"Oh right! Becca! I didn't know you were in town." He wrapped his arms around me and held me.
"Sorry I didn't say anything." I felt really guilty about this.
"You didn't phone, or text. Am I not important to you?" He backed up and leaned against the wall.
"Obviously not if you can't even remember my name." I crossed my arms and smirked at him. He's grown up since the last time I saw him, he's practically a man now.

"In my defense you've changed your hair since we were 16. And you've got makeup on. Actual makeup!" He smiled and rubbed the top of my head, messing up the top of my hair.
"Hey! Stop!" I practically screamed and he backed off.
"How long are you here?"
"Indefinitely." I blushed but had no reason to.
"Indefinitely? What is with these american girls?" He smirked a bit showing off impressive dimples.
"What is with everyone saying 'American girls?' If I remember you liked this American girl!" I pointed to myself and only heard a small laugh from him.
"That was a childhood crush, Becs." Charlie scoffed and I actually felt a sting of sadness.
"Whatever. I have to get going."
"It was great to see you Becs." He hugged me again and started up the stairs.
"You too Charlie."

I opened the door to the street but stopped when I heard Charlie call my name from inside.
"Becs! What are you doing tonight?" He sounded out of breath.
"I'm going to a concert. Why?"
"What are you doing tomorrow?"
"Getting over going to the concert. Why?"
"Have dinner with me?" He smiled and his dimples appeared again.
"Sure sounds fun." I smiled and shut the door.

I walked down the cobblestone street to the small shop on the corner. There's a new building on my dad's street. I guess a lot of things can change in 3 years. The cool wind from the passing storm reminded me of the last time I was here. I walked up to the store and looked in the window at the small display of candies throughout the years. Something that hasn't changed. I pushed open the door and heard the usual chime of the bells around the handle. I looked around the rows of chips and candies, it kind of reminded me of the convenience store on the corner of my street back in Chicago. Its strange being out of the United States. I almost forget to drive on the opposite side of the street and certain foods aren't called the same things. I mainly blame my mother.

Suddenly, I am knocked out of my thoughts by Mr. Sykes tapping me on the shoulder.
"Rebecca Daniels? How have you been sweetie?" He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a quick hug. I almost dropped the drinks in my hand but thankfully recovered.
"I'm fine. How have you been? How's Gwen?"
"She's amazing. Shes growing up so fast." Before I could speak again he pulled out a picture of his newly born granddaughter.
"She looks like a Gwen." I laughed tilting my head to look at the worn picture.
"How long are you here this time, love?" He asked as he placed the photo carefully in his jacket pocket.
"Indefinitely." I sighed but Mr. Sykes understood.

When my parents actually got along with each other, we lived in the small flat that my dad lived in now. Whenever they would wake me up, I'd sneak out my window and run down to Mr. Sykes' shop. He would let me in and give me some ice cream and make me forget all about the problems at home. I felt like I owed this man my life.

"I'd be happy to offer you a job if you're staying for awhile. As you can see I'm low on staff and I'd love it if you came to help me out." He sounded so sweet and in need. How could I say no?
"I'd love to. I'm not sure how long I'll be here, but it would be awesome to work here." His smile traced from eye to eye.
"Thank you love!" He hugged me quickly and turned to see who had just rang the bells on the door.

A tall guy with a sun hat walked in. He had shades on and a black jacket. He looked really shady. His lanky legs glided to the back of the store, near the drink aisle. I peeked over at him as he silently stood across the store. Soon another man came in with a black shirt and sunglasses on. I had a strange feeling by the way they whispered in the corner.

I walked up to the counter to pay for my things. Mr. Sykes was waiting for me but held up his hand when I went to pay.
"Please Mr. S. Let me pay." I smiled but he only shook his head. His glasses rattled a bit but he fixed them by sliding them up his nose.
"Don't worry about it. Are you doing something tonight? It seems like you're having a little party." He smirked and stuffed the chips in a bag.
"I'm going to a concert tonight. The One Direction concert." I smiled and grabbed the bag. There was a noise in the back like one of the guys dropped something.
"Oh have fun! I'm sure that lad Harry will have his eye on you!"
"Ok Mr. S. Whatever you say. I mean look at me." I gestured to my old t-shirt and jeans.
"Well I guess I tried. Have fun tonight and I'll call in the morning." Mr. Sykes patted my hand and waved me off. The two in black followed behind me and paid for their things.

I walked back down the street the same way I came. I held the bags close to my body so the wind wouldn't blow them around. I saw a phone booth and decided I should finally call my mom. Plus I'd have a reason to hang up.

I pulled open the door and placed the bags on the ground, careful not to stick them in the puddle of liquid behind me. Surprisingly the phone booth wasn't as small as I expected it to be. I popped a few coins into the phone and dialed home. Here we go.

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