What unsatisfactory ending, right?

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"Humans are weird

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"Humans are weird." A blond being said as they walked next to the nekomata.

"Your being ridiculous, your own father was a human, you shouldn't insult the only reason you can wield that sword

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"Your being ridiculous, your own father was a human, you shouldn't insult the only reason you can wield that sword."

The blond scoffed in annoyance "Etānako Kanashimiru, you don't have to state the obvious."

(T/n: their name is based off of the Japanese word Etānaru, which stands for eternal. Kanashimi stands for sorrow and sadness, their name represents the sadness of an eternal being.)

"Yeah, yeah, I won't say it again Unmeï Shoriô now walk!"

(T/n: their name is based off of the Japanese word Shōri which stands for victory, and Unmei which means destiny, their name represents the destined victory.)

They were walking on a muddy street in a dark alleyway with dark hoods on, Shoriô's armoured boots clanked on the rough ground while the sound of Etānako's steps were completely concealed.

They appeared in front of a door which shows off a small mount of light. Etānako opened the door roughly and yelled "Apples love bees!"

Some seconds later a sword was pointed at her neck. "Why are you back here Etānako?"

"Let's not, blow, this out of proportion."

"How many bombs did you already place here?"

"Sixty seven on the walls outside, two on the foot and one on your back." Just as she had said a small bomb was in the man's back.

"I won't press the button as long as you all, do what we want."

"How many of you?"

"Just five, one is a human that wants to kill everything, one is a demon which feeds off of the essence of humans and spirits, one is a demon lord that works for the human, then their's me the destructive nekomata and the holy weapon user Of Uriel and Gabriel."

"The human and demon lord won't fight with us but they will spectate the entire fight, if you fail to complete what we want, we'll then I don't think any of you fake Demi-humans will survive."

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