10 ✨

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Two days went by, and it was my time to go to the classes as the others. I was kinda scared, but not that much since Hermione helped me with spells and potions.

Me with Hermione met with Harry and Ron in the common room. Side by side we went to the potion class with Snape. I hope he won't be that bad as others said. I don't really know much about him. But I know he hates Harry, no one knows why tho.

I sat with Hermione, and Harry sat with Ron on our left side. I took my potion book. I looked around the class. Some people were looking at me. I turned back when I heard doors. Hermione noticed that I'm little scared, so she pat my back. I smiled at her. Snape looked at us. "Open your books at page 148." his voice filled the room. I opened it straight away. "Get everything you need, and start doing the potion." he said. Everyone was quiet and did what Snape wanted us to do. Hermione and I are good duo, making it was fun.


"The class wasn't bad, at all." I said after we left the class. We were waking to great hall to get some snack. "Guys, I'm not hungry, I'm gonna out to get some fresh air." I said. "Want anything tho?" Hermione asked me. "Just an apple or something." she nodded and I left.

I came out, and sat down on soft grass. Even though it was a sunny day, it wasn't so warm as last week. October was coming to an end. It was still beautiful outside. I put my notebook and pencil on the ground. I didn't draw anything in a while. As I was looking around, I decided to draw some students under the big tree. I was really enjoying sitting in a quiet place and drawing. It was one of my favourite activities.

It was really quiet until I heard someone fell on the ground. I wanted to help the girl, but I wasnt fast enough. I couldnt believe my eyes. Malfoy helped the girl from the ground. But no one seemed to notice, only me. But Draco noticed that I'm looking, so I quickly turned my head back to notebook. But in a few seconds I looked  where they were, he was already gone. The girl seemed suprised too.

I finished the drawing of the students and headed back to the dorms. When I arrived, Hermione was already on her bed doing her homework. I should do them too. ''Hey.'' I said as I walked in. ''You're back.'' she said. ''Yea, I was drawing, so I lost track of time.'' I said. I put my notebook on my bed. She nodded and didn't pay me attention. I wanted to draw more, so in the end I  decided that I want draw Malfoy and the girl he helped. I started to sketch them.


The end of the evening was quiet. Hermione fell asleep when I finished the drawing. I put away my notebook, and covered myself with blanket as it was getting colder. I wasn't really tired, my head was full of thoughts. I still can't believe that I'm here, it's all still new. But I'm glad I'm not in my old school anymore. No more math. I smiled for myself. My eyes started to get heavy, so I fell asleep pretty fast.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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