a collection of cobra kai imagines & headcanons using all pronouns
❪ cobra kai imagines ❫
❪ cobra kai character x reader ❫
❪ -hattieannas 2021 ❫
02-05-21 - n/a
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3.43 AM ( eli moskowitz x fem! reader )
Y/N's e/c eyes were heavy as she stared out into the darkness that enveloped her room. Her muscles ached and her eyes begged to close, but her body refused to provide her with rest. This wasn't uncommon for the girl-- her insomnia had always caused her issues, but it was particularly bad of recent, now she lived in constant fear of Cobra Kai. The girl glanced over at her alarm clock; the orange numbers flashed 3.43 in the morning. She had to be awake in just over two hours for another day of school, and had gym first period. Y/N really needed to get some sleep.
Typically the girl didn't like to bother anyone with her issues, but ever since she started dating Eli Moskowitz, she'd been opening up about them more. The boy could always tell when something was bothering his girlfriend, and he could spot a mile away when she hadn't had any sleep. Y/N sighed knowing that when he picked her up for school in the morning, Eli would just beg for her to open up to him next time. He always assured Y/N he was just a phone call away, and that if she ever needed anything, he would be there. Sitting up in her bed and shivering in the cool night air, the h/c decided now was as good a time as any for her to need Eli, and clicked onto his contact.
Y/N: hey, are you awake? i don't wanna bother you but i really can't sleep tonight
ELI: hi baby, i'm awake and you're not bothering me at all. i'll be over in 10
Y/N: no it's okay i don't want to stop you getting sleep
ELI: shush, i'm coming over okay? open your window, i'll be there soon, i love you
Y/N: i love you too
Just as he said, Y/N heard the shutting off of a motorcycle engine ten minutes later, and then a shout from the red-haired boy that he had arrived. As he often did when Y/N's parents were being strict, Eli began scaling the tree outside the h/c's window, making it to the top and greeting the girl at the window where he automatically pulled her into a hug when he was on his feet. Y/N sunk into her boyfriend's chest, her cheek resting against the hard muscle as his hands roped around her waist and he kissed the top of her head. Once the pair pulled apart, Y/N took in the sight of Eli's four am appearance. The boy was wearing a pair of plaid pyjama bottoms and his signature red hoodie. His mohawk was down, meaning his red hair was fluffy and hung past his ears, and his blue eyes were full of sleep, leaving the girl's stomach churning with guilt. "You feeling okay?" Hawk asked, his face full of concern, which was not something anyone other than Y/N ever saw. The e/c eyed girl nodded against his chest, though it was clearly a lie, and Eli knew it.
"Come on, Y/N/N," The red haired boy spoke softly, taking his girlfriend by the hand and leading her over to her unmade bed. He took a seat, sliding his hoodie off and offering it to the girl, knowing how comforting it was to her to be wearing his clothes. Y/N slid on the hoodie with a grateful smile before lying on the other side of the bed, dragging the boy down and pulling him close. Y/N rested her head upon his chest, steadying her breathing as she listened to the sound of Hawk's beating heart. Eli wrapped his arms around the girl's shoulders, holding her tight against him, as he knew his cuddles always helped her sleep. Tucked up next to her boyfriend, Y/N already felt more relaxed and at ease than she had done in weeks, and she felt her body finally letting itself shut down. Sighing contently, the e/c eyed girl's fingers traced shapes onto Hawk's chest, causing the boy to shift slightly and press a soft kiss to the h/c of her hairline.
"Feeling any better?" Eli mumbled quietly, but he received no answer, as the girl laying beside him was already fast asleep. His scar stretched slightly as he smiled, tightening his grip on her shoulders and leaning his cheek against the top of her h/c hair, feeling his own blue eyes begin to close. "I love you," He hummed sleepily, causing Y/N to shift lightly in her slumber. "Mm, love you, too," The girl mumbled, a smile appearing on her face even whilst she slept, and Eli was relieved to see the dark shadows under his girlfriend's eyes beginning to lighten, and feel her body untense as she finally got some rest.