spiderman ( eli moskowitz )

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SPIDERMAN ( eli moskowitz x gn! reader )

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( eli moskowitz x gn! reader )

It had been three hours since Eli Moskowitz had last heard from his partner, and he was worried. They were always a reliable texter, and only ever really distanced themself when they weren't doing well and didn't want to bother their boyfriend. Eli was more than a little stressed, even though he told himself he shouldn't be; Y/N was perfectly capable of taking care of themself, and even though it was a struggle, they could manage to ask for help if they really needed to. So Eli tried not to blow up his lover's phone or go out of his mind with worry, and instead settled onto his couch, playing a game of Elden Ring with Demetri.

When Eli's phone chimed, he almost didn't check it– it was probably just Johnny in the Miyagi-Fang groupchat, trying to figure out how it worked, or Miguel, asking whether he wanted to go to the gym for an extra fitness session before training tomorrow. However, the boy's curiosity, worry and hope won him over, and he flipped the screen to reveal a text from the name he hadn't seen on his phone screen all day: Y/N.

Y/N: hi love, sorry i've been so distant today

ELI: hi angel, it's okay, how are you feeling?

Y/N: not super great honestly but i'll be okay

ELI: would it help if i came over?

Y/N: i would like that but i don't want to bother you

ELI: you're never a bother, angel, i'll be over in five

Without a second thought, Eli pulled out his favourite sweater– which he himself hadn't worn since the day he met Miguel, but knew that his partner adored– and stuffed it into a rucksack. The afternoon breeze was warm and the journey wasn't too far, so Eli decided to walk, though the eager skip in his step made it more of a run. He was determined to comfort his lover the best he could, and if being at their house faster than what should be physically possible was the best way he could do that, then he would manage it.

"Hi, angel," Eli panted as Y/N swung their front door open to reveal their out of breath boyfriend, "I came as fast as I could." Glancing over his partner, Eli could see that Y/N had been crying. Their e/c eyes were puffy and red, and their cheeks had little tear stains traced into them. However, upon seeing Eli, a small smile crept onto their face. "Come in, dumbass," they joked, leading Eli upstairs to their bedroom. When they arrived, Eli closed the door behind them and pulled his partner into a hug. He ran his hands gently through their h/c hair, pressing a kiss to their crown as he held them. "Whose ass do I need to kick?" Eli whispered into their ear, causing them to pull away with a chuckle. "No one's, Eli. I've just had a bad day, that's all. Unless you'll go for my math teacher." "If I get in any more fights at school, I'll get kicked out for sure, but I could always transfer," the purple haired boy suggested, pulling the jumper out of his bag and handing it to Y/N who tugged it over their head with a smile.

"No fighting, Hawk," they reprimanded playfully, pulling their boyfriend down beside them on the bed. "How about cuddles and Spiderman?" Eli hummed in consideration, pressing a soft kiss to his partner's lips as he kicked off his shoes and buried himself under the covers. "Sure, baby. I'll even let you pick which Spiderman, because of your bad day." "We can watch Tobey," Y/N settled on, "because I know he's your favourite, and I love you." Grinning happily, Eli kissed his partner, only for them to pull back with a smirk: "And because Harry Osborn is hot."

Nestled in each other's arms, the lovers made their way through the first two Spiderman movies. Before the third, Eli turned to face his partner, pressing a soft kiss to their cheek. "How're you feeling, angel?" "Better," Y/N confirmed, kissing their boyfriend gently. "Thank you for making my shitty day better." "Anything for you, my love," he returned, twirling a strand of their hair around his finger gently. "But are we sure it's a no on beating up your math teacher?" "Yes, dipshit," Y/N chuckled, nuzzling gently into Eli's chest. "Now shut up and play the movie."

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓, cobra kai imagines Where stories live. Discover now