Bennett x tired male reader

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A/n: Ty for commissioning and happy pride month!


"Y/nnnnn!" Bennett pouts angrily at you. "Yes Bennett?" You answer a bit confused. Bennett just stares at you hoping you get the point. But you dont understand so you just yawn and lay your head on the desk. "Y/n youve over worked yourself AGAIN!" Bennett says angrily but you cant help but smile at his cuteness and overprotectiveness. "Sorry Bennett its a habit of mine" you say with an appolagetic warm smile.

"Y/n stay awake for a bit!,im gonna get you some tea and make you (favorite dish)." 'I better watch him so he doesent burn the whole house down' you think while deadpanning.


You sigh and hug Bennett from behind,this makes him blush and smile. "It smells good" you say with a smile. "Well lets hope it taste as good as it smells" Bennet says while deadpanning. "Dont jinx it dear" you say chuckling. "R-right!" Bennett says paying very close attention to the food hes making.

You sit down at the table trying not to dose off to sleep. Just as your eyes get too heavy to keep open a sparkling dish of (your fav dish) is put down right infront of you made by your amazing boyfriend. This ofcourse is enough to wake you up and put sparkles in your eyes. "It looks delicious dear!" You say while placing the food in your mouth. "AND IT TASTE DELICIOUS!!" you say almost yelling when the whirl of yummy flavors hit you. "Bennett pats you on the head while you eat.

Once you finish the food Bennett places tea (of your choice) infront of you. You sip it and relax. "Thank you Bennett,i really needed this :)" you say happily. "Ofcourse y/n!" Bennett says while doing his signature pose.


He lays you down in bed then covers you up. He kisses you on the forehead before getting into bed and snuggling you to sleep.

Genshin x reader COMFORT ADDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now