Aether x reader crying over lost time

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  You sit outside gazing into the sky. Warm tears roll down your face,the tears slowly turn into sobbing.
'I cant beleive all this time has passed...'

  You feel a warm hand placed on your shoulder so out of instinct you look up. You see none other than your boyfriend Aether.

  "Whats wrong y/n??" Aether questions with nothing but worry in his voice and eyes. You bite your lips trying not to cry.  
Which ofcourse fails so you are left a crying mess infront of your boyfriend. (Yea yea ik most ppl dont like stuttering but y/n is crying so idfc if there is stuttering)

  "I just c-cant beleive a-all the time t-that has p-pass-ed by" y/n says while gulping down her tears.

    Aether uses his thumb to wipe away your tears. He then reaches in his pocket and pulls out a cute napkin and wipes your nose off.

  "Its okay y/n" he says embracing you into a warm hug. You just sit like this for awhile while aether plays with your hair.

  Aether kisses your forehead and stands up. You didnt want him to leave but you said nothing.

  Tears start rolling again since Aether walked away.

   He soon returns with a whole plate of yummy treats,he brought you drinks and treats on a plate like a true gentlemen. "I got milk and tea since im not sure which you like best-" he says rubbing his neck.

   You start crying tears of happiness "t-thank you Aether!" You cry out to which in response Aether smiles at you.


*in the end Aether lets you cry and let it all out while he listens closely and comforts you*




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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