C1 The Accident part 1

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It was always the same in Willowcreek, nothing ever changed. You got up, got ready, went to work or school, had school events or work events, until one day where that all changed.

POV Sage

"Sage! Get up for school" I heard my mom call from downstairs. I got up and turned my head to look at the clock. It was 7:30 which I guess I slept through my alarm. I usually always wake up at 6 am but after studying all night made me super tired. All of a sudden I heard a Ding! I looked down at my phone to see 5 text messages from a group chat i have with Quinn and Owen,

text messages (5)

👑2 Queens and a King 👑

my bae💕 (Quinn) -- MORNING!! - 7:28

Brother 🤍(Owen) -- Good morning! - 7:29

my bae💕 (Quinn) -- Have you heard about the party at Levi's house. We are so going!! - 7:29

Brother 🤍(Owen -- Ugh seriously Quinn you know he hates us right?. - 7:30

(Sage) -- Morning! - 7:30

my bae💕 (Quinn -- Morning Sage! ok so what do you think abt us going to a party. - 7:31

Brother 🤍(Owen -- I honestly think it's a stupid idea if you want my opinion. - 7: 31

(Sage) --uhhh well I mean all we have been doing is studying

so maybe it is a good idea to have some fun. it's always boring anyways. - 7: 32

my bae💕 (Quinn -- SEE! yeah ok well since it's a saturday i'm coming over to help pick clothes out for me and you. The party is at 9 pm btw!. - 7:33

Brother 🤍(Owen -- Quinn it's literally 7:34 am the party is at 9 pm

you have like 14 hours to do that - 7:34

-(read at - 7:35)-

Owens POV 20 mins later

I finally picked out my outfit making it perfect. I've felt more confident with myself lately so maybe it's the night I tell Sage about my feelings, even though I don't have much money I made a pretty decent looking outfit.

POV Quinn

Sage, Owen and I have always been the best of bfs we always have been there for each other and we barely ever get into fights but I've noticed some weird behaviour with Sage and Owen but I always push it aside well until tonight, let's not get too ahead of ourselves yet though "SAGE IM HERE" I yell waking through Sage's front door "OK COME UPSTAIRS" she yells back, I run upstairs and run into her room she's sitting on her bed smiling at her phone "whatcha smiling about" I say looking at her and giving her a smirking face she quickly shuts off her phone and wipes her smile off her face which then turns into a weird embarrassed look "nothing!" "Mhm ok" I say back "ok well uh let's get to work" she says back quickly I grab her arm and drag her downstairs then through the door to then my car, we both hop in and drive to the mall.

At the mall

"Where do we go first?!" Sage says laughing a bit, Sage has never been the type to shop but I still always bring her with me, my family has always had money and Sage she has a good amount but she never likes to use it she always helps her mom as much as she can to support her especially after her dad went missing, anyways enough of that. "Here there is a store over there with some nice clothes" "I will pay you back I promise" "no need you're my bf don't worry about it" she gave me a big smile and we went to the stores.

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