C2 The Accident part 2 (aftermath)

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Sage's POV

I woke up not knowing where I was, hearing voices and sirens all around me, then I felt myself being lifted off the ground and being put on to a stretcher. I was in so much pain and my head felt like there was an elephant standing on it, I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't then I felt myself drifting off again. I woke up again and this time I knew where I was because I heard a beeping and I knew I was at a hospital. I heard the voices of doctors and other people but it all sounded like mumbling and it was all muffled. I tried to open my eyes, this time and it worked but it felt like my eyes had been super glued shut. "Morning sleepyhead" I looked over and saw a nurse talking, I gave the nurse a weak smile "Where are my friends?" I said in a low voice ΅They are all ok they are in different rooms" she responded quickly "We have separated you all because there may still be toxins in your body from the crash" she then said again "What do you mean?!" I said very confused "Well when you crashed some kind of chemical reaction had happened and someway all of you survived" "Cool" I said the nurse started chuckling then went to talk to the other doctors and one of them took my pulse to see if it was fine. Then they all started talking to each other about things I didn't understand and then they told me that there was still a whole bunch of toxins in my body but it just seemed to make me stronger, which is odd because it should be hurting me, I felt the same but better. "Hey can I see my friends?" I asked the nurses and doctors in the room "only for a bit" one of the nurses took me out of the room and took me to my friends they really only let me see 2 people so I had to choose "Can I go see owen first?" I said which I then was led to his room. I walked into his room seeing him sleeping so i decided to walk next to his bed and talk to him, Owen was a deep sleeper so he wouldn't hear me "Hey owen I know your sleeping but I still wanted to talk to you, the nurses say we were all lucky to survive that crash which is pretty cool" I said smiling a bit "but anyways I need to tell you something." I paused for a bit with no worry but just no way to put my words "I've liked you for a very long time and I never said anything well because I didn't want to ruin this thing we have and because you probably don't feel the same way," I continued "well I guess to sum this up I lov-" "Times up if you wanna see another friend I recommend you see them now" I got cut off by a low voice "ok" I said and walked out the room. I headed over to Quinn's room.

Owen's POV

I woke up in this room hearing very muffled voices my arm hurt so bad and I had a pounding headache I forgot most of what happened but all I knew was I was in a car and then everything went black, "Can we go to Owen's room first?" it sounded like Sage so I shut my eyes like I was sleeping i'm not really sure why but I did, I then heard footsteps coming near my bed  "Hey Owen I know your sleeping but I still wanted to talk to you, the nurses say we were all lucky to survive that crash which is pretty cool" she continued by saying  "but anyways I need to tell you something." she then paused "I've liked you for a very long time and I never said anything well because I didn't want to ruin this thing we have and because you probably don't feel the same way," I continued "well I guess to sum this up I lov-" 'Times up if you wanna see another friend I recommend you see them now" she responded "ok'' then left. I can't believe what just happened. I was so confused but had this weird happy feeling in my stomach, I actually fell asleep after a while which was good because I was really tired after everything. I had a dreamless sleep and when I woke up I felt ready to think about what I heard from Sage. to me it seemed like she knew I liked her but also like I never told her, I think that maybe I should tell her that I have strong feelings for her. And when she left it seemed like she was saying that she Loves me, but how and why me. I asked the nurse if I could go for a walk. She replied with a yes and I left. I can't believe what just happened. I was so confused but had this weird happy feeling in my stomach, I actually fell asleep after a while which was good because I was really tired after everything. I had a dreamless sleep and when I woke up I felt ready to think about what I heard from Sage. to me it seemed like she knew I liked her but also like I never told her, I think that maybe I should tell her that I have strong feelings for her. And when she left it seemed like she was saying that she Loves me, but how and why me. I asked the nurse if I could go for a walk. She replied with a yes and I left. I started walking throughout the halls repeating the words over and over again, smiling every time.

- Time skip 1 week - Narrator POV

A week has passed for the six, after all the tests and doctors observing them they could all finally leave through the week their parents would visit them as much as they could. But something was different and they all started noticing weird things. Like when Sage was texting Quinn and talking about what color flowers they wanted on their corsets for prom, and flowers started blooming out of her hand, or when Grace was explaining to Riley why she was not dating Levi anymore and the tips of her hair started turning into flames, and when it stopped there was not a mark that the flames had been there. Also they all had seen weird creachers that looked like small skeleton shadows, and we're pretty sure no one else could see them. Then they decided it was time to meet and talk about what was happening with them. They all met at the park where no one would overhear them and think that they were crazy and think they should be in a psych ward.

Grace POV

I go to the park just like I planned  with a bunch of losers and my crazy ex boyfriend. Why did I have to be in a car with the worst and least popular people at school?, "Ok so has anybody noticed the weird things happening lately?" Sage said in a curious tone "I've had rather weird things happen to me" chimed in Quinn and the rest of the group. So everybody was experiencing these odd events?, "so maybe let's talk about some of the things that have happened so far after the accident and see if we can figure things out" said Owen, one by one we all started talking about the events each of us had different forms of events like Sage had things connected to nature, Wyatt had things with light sources, Quinn had experienced manipulation with shadows, I with fire like the event with flaming hair, Levi with air like knocking over things in his room unintentionally like a tornado had went through, Owen manipulated water like lifting droplets from a cup. And that's  when I noticed that we were all connected by natural and man made things. Great, so now I'm connected with the biggest losers in town

text messages (1)

🔥♥️ Riley ♥️🔥

🔥♥️ Riley ♥️🔥 -
Hey, where are you? 

At some stupid thing my parents made me go to

🔥♥️ Riley ♥️🔥
Oh, good luck girly 😘

Thanks girl, talk later <3
-read at 5:15


Wyatt POV

I was half listening to the conversation that was going on around me but  when my name got brought up I snapped out of it. "What?" I said, Sage told me I was just saying how each one of us have similar powers. For example you and Grace both control a kind of light, except she can manipulate fire and you light, "so we all have some sort of supernatural power then?" "Yes, exactly," she chirped. "Now I think we should have a way to communicate to each other," said Quinn, "maybe we should have a group chat, I'll make one right now!" "Yeah! Lets call it the supernatrual 6?" said Sage, we all got over excited about it un till Grace ruined the positivity "No way i'm being your stupid loser group chat" Grace said in disgust, I rolled my eyes at her rude comment "Ok uh fine then?" said Levi.

text messages

the supernaturals <3

'Quinn :)' added you to 'supernaturals <3'

others in this group 'Sage G', 'Brother(Levi)', 'Owen King'


"Ok so let's text on here if we need each other and run into complications" said Quinn, we all left since it was maybe around 5:30, it was a Sunday and we had to get to school at some point. Tomorrow was a fresh new day at school. I've never been happier to actually go back. Maybe things can be at least half way normal since our life is.. well not normal.

Narrator POV

It was a fresh new day for all of them, some dreaded the thought of school but still were somewhat happy to be back, after the crash nothing was normal. They got a lot of stares from passing people, their crash was all over the news and everyone knew about it, so eyes were on all of them including their parents, their parents watched them like hacks keeping them supervised every second, minute and hour,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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