Chapter 5. Poker Fight

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"No purpose to scrape your skin off, miss. That spell is inked to your very soul." Eep told Calamity as he watched her attempt to scratch off the runes tattooed on her wrist.

"Asshat-twat-muppet-dragon!" She cursed after she finally let hopelessness absorb her.

When Vicious threatened and doomed her the other night, Calamity found herself absolutely terrified. And it's not the good kind of fear, it's the kind of fear she never thought she could actually feel.

"Fret not miss. Instead, focus on your search for the gem. I am certain we'll find it in no time." Eep said consolingly before walking away to do his duties and leave Calamity to work.

Ever since her talk with Vicious, and her being tethered to a spell, Eon finally let Calamity wander alone without the close supervision of Eep. He thought that she is meek and compliant under his brother's curse.

And he was right.

Because now, she really took the hunt for the Angem seriously. She is determined to get out of the island if it's the last thing she does.

But also partly because seeing Vicious made the grievness of what she did finally sink in, and she felt guilty. 

So Calamity picked up her broom and swept violently while she searched every green face earnestly.

Nevertheless, two nights passed by and she still didn't have any improvements. No lead, no idea, no nothing. Her memory once again proved to be as competent as a chimpanzee. Although she's not the only one having troubles with the search.

"Do you have any leads?" Eon asked impatiently one afternoon.

When Calamity shook no, Eon sighed and finished his beer in one swallow. And then he suddenly walked towards her and stood on his tiptoe so he could reach her face.

"If you would let me borrow your head for a second, love, I could help you remember." He said pleasantly but dangerously while his small hands grasped the sides of her head.

Calamity was out of the room before Eon managed to force a reply out of her. She made a mental note to tell Eep he needs to hide all the office beers. Because although Eon has extreme high tolerance and doesn't show symptoms, she was sure he's a bit out of his usual consciousness.

Even Vicious, whom Calamity was trying to evade resolutely, seemed to give her meaner looks every time their eyes meet. It makes her nervous which causes her to make a rampant but futile search.

"Aaaargggh!" Calamity exclaimed the next night as she repeatedly banged her fork on the table and stomped her foot out of frustration.

"You're charming." Bram fondly remarked as he watched Calamity throw a fit while they're eating.

She didn't reply and instead, hammered her head to the table. This earned another lazy fangy smile from Bram.

"Daddy issues?" He asked her before slowly sipping his bloody juice.

Calamity sat up only to glare at Bram. "No! Do I look like I have daddy issues?"

"You look like even your issues have issues."

Bram would have received a good kick if only Calamity did not agree with him.

So, she spent the next minute stress eating and brainstorming about what she must do. But then she turned impatient again and completely broke her fork.

"You will get reported and fined for destroying island property," Bram said and gestured to his left.

There, Calamity saw a wizard looking at her disapprovingly and wearing a staff uniform with a tag that says 'security'. He was holding a pad and suspiciously looked like he's writing her down.

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