ANGRY BIRDS 2Untitled Part 2

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i run out of the schoool an onto the streeat where Yellow Chuck cannot finded me in the street but i almost get hit by a car!! 

"red what r u doing" i said to myself while i wriggles my big attractive eyebriows " u  could haev gotten hitten byen ckaren" i almost get hit by a car guys omg im a birrrrrd

but then somethign unexpected happens!!!

STELLA comes runnign out of the high school screaming becassuse there is smooke coming out of the high school!! i quickly run back to the high school and see aht is happening!the shcool is on fier!! all of the birds run out of the sschool screaming, fire fire fire fire frie!!! soem of the birds feathers are melting off and some of them are dead from smoke because they cannot fly because we have arms instead of wings oh oh oh oh why did we evolve this way we do not need hands we need wings in case the school catches on fire so we can escapeeeeeeeeeee

"what could have caused this???????????"?"?"?"? says Stella

i know with utmost certainty what could have caused this horrible catastrophic fire that has taken the lives of so many young birds. it was LEONARD and in the distance i see him in his pig ballopn but on now there is some1 else with him thjat is tied up and captured IT IS SILVER MY GF MNOOOOOOOO i MUSTV go rescue her!!! the mean green pigs have kidnapped here!!! and the only way I can prove my love top her is to go to the pighs lair and rescued her!!!

i go to the pigs lair on the pigs island and LEONARD says "haha fool you are no match for my unbeatable power and great army of pigs you are a looser come back when you are not such a wimp you will never see SDilver again ReD" 

an tehn he flies away on his boatr to the lair 

"but leonard i thought we had a trruce and ypu would never attack bird island ever again what you are a smelly traitor i hate communcism" 

did you know that stella is the ittalian word for star 

wow i guess i need a team to save silver but all of my friends hate me because silver brokwe up eith be what will i dodooooo the only one who still cares about me is stella but now chuck wants to d8 stwella WDNMEEEEEIsghiopagjoabhsd;gviWBHeg 

i guess i am left with no other choice, i go to see stella and ask for her help in saving Silbver and she says yes!! at least i have one person who will help me on this adventure after the entire town exiled me and blamed me for the fire (my worst fear) 

stella and i burn down the whole city so that they will never critisise me again bruh and they can never get in my way ande i can save silver 

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