Chapter 1

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Summary: After the final battle Draco leaves England with a secret. Four years later he returns as the new Charms Professor at Hogwarts. He doesnt just return alone he arrives with his two three year old twins. It just so happens that Harry Potter also lives at Hogwarts. Love blossoms even in the darkest of times. Can they finally find what they most desire.
Warning(s): Mpreg

chapter 1

Daily Prophet

New Charms and Potions Professors Needed at Hogwarts

By Rita Skeeter

Minerva McGonagall, Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has expressed the need for new Charms and Potions professors at Hogwarts. Due to the recent retirement of Filius Flitwick, and Horace Slughorn there are now vacant positions at the school

The headmistress stressed the urgency of finding the new additions to the staff as soon as possible, as it is now mid-July and the new semester will begin shortly. All applicants who are interested should contact Headmistress McGonagall as soon as possible.

The Hogwarts faculty has been slowly recuperating from the many losses they experienced during the final battle. As we all remember, the repairs to the castle were finished only three years ago and it is only recently that students have been able resume the old traditions Hogwarts has held dear for generations. We can only hope that Headmistress McGonagall finds new professors soon.

For more information, you may contact Headmistress McGonagall at Hogwarts via owl.


Draco Malfoy finished reading the paper and thoughtfully placed it on his kitchen table. It was an amazing coincidence; he had just completed his apprenticeship.

He had been in France completing his Mastery; it had been four years since he had left England. Although reluctant to return, he needed a job and had yet to find one.

A huge sigh escaped him as he walked to his study where he began writing a letter to a certain Headmistress.

When he finished, he re-read the letter a couple of times before finally sending it off with his light brown owl.

His last thought before walking out of the room was, "It will all work out for the best...right?"


Dear Headmistress McGonagall,

I have recently finished my apprenticeship and Mastery studying under Charms Master Boulinair. As I hope you know, Master Boulinair is one of the foremost experts on Charms and I am proud to say that I am the only student to successfully complete his apprenticeship curriculum.

I am writing to inquire about the new vacant Charms position at Hogwarts. I would like to apply for the position. I understand the urgency of your add and am available to occupy the position immediately.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I am currently out of the country but I can schedule a meeting with you as soon as it is convenient for you.

Thank you,

Draco Malfoy,

Charms Master


Minerva McGonagall sat in her office frantically looking over a stack of papers. She was utterly stressed. There were two vacant positions on the staff and only one month before the new semester.

The applicants were dismal; there had been only three applicants for the potions position and only two for the charms position.

Across her desk she heard a small chuckle from her deputy headmaster. Minerva turned her glare at the person across from her before stating what was bothering her.

"There are a dismal amount of applicants for the vacant positions but I believe I have already chosen the two new faculty members."

The man sitting across from her smiled, "So...who will be joining our big happy family?"

Glaring at his sarcasm, she took two letters in her hand before handing them to the deputy-headmaster.

"I think Mr. Malfoy will make a great charms professor while Mr. Willowby will be taking the potions position. What do you think?"

She watched a small flash of surprise appear across his face but after a while he nodded. "I agree after all they are the most qualified. I do have some reservations about both. An ex-Death Eater and an American?"

The Headmistress gave him a hard look before responding, "You more than anyone knows that Mr. Malfoy was as much a Death Eater as I was. Now, about the American...I am sure he will be an interesting addition to our staff."

Nodding smilingly at the Headmistress, he stood to leave the office. At the door he was stopped from exiting by her voice. "Please speak to the houselves about preparing their rooms and classrooms. The sooner we begin the more I can relax."

Waving goodbye, he replied, "As you wish, Headmistress."

Just before he closed the door he thought he heard a small whisper, "its Minerva."

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