Chapter 17

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Chapter 17-

An hour later Harry ran through Hogwarts, determined to do what he should have done a long time ago.

As he neared the Hospital wing he heard voices.

"Daddy, did Harry get mad because we called him papa?"

"Dad, why did he leave?"

Harry's heart broke again and he almost smacked himself for his moment of stupidity. He entered just at that moment drawing the attention of the three people on the hospital bed.

"Isabelle, papa left because papa can be an idiot."

Draco looked angry and he even pulled his children closer to him. He refused to look at him and Harry hung his head.

"Papa, you hurt daddy!" Loren stood and glared at Harry.

Harry nodded and stood in front of the little boy. "I know I did, Lor. This is why I'm here to apologize to you four. I also want to apologize to your new sibling."

Harry sat at the edge of the hospital bed and looked at the three people he loved the most in the world. "I want to apologize for allowing my fears to overwhelm me. I love you all so much. I don't know how I could have left and for the rest of my life I will make it up to you four."

Isabelle and Loren were smiling at Harry and reached forward. Harry hugged the children he now considered his own before looking at the man he loved. He knelt down on the floor next to the bed and reached for Draco's hand.

Draco had sat silently through Harry's apology and although he was still sitting away from him, his face had softened somewhat. When Harry reached for his hand he allowed him to take it but sat stiffly on the bed.

Harry kissed his hand and locked eyes with his blond lover. "Draco, please forgive me for being the biggest idiot in the world. You and the kids are my home. I searched for you all of my life and without knowing, you were right in front of me. I was an idiot to let you go, even for a moment. You and the children are the people I love the most in the world. Draco, you are the love of my life."

Harry pulled out of his robe a small box, he opened it and Draco could see two small rings inside. They were simple silver bands with three small diamonds. Harry reached inside and pulled one out. Draco could feel small tears fall from his own eyes.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"

Draco smiled but remained sitting.

"What can you offer me?"

Harry noticed Draco's smirk and smiled before answering.

"If you accept me as your husband I promise to love and protect you and the children. I promise to never leave you again. I promise to become the best father to our children. I promise to give you love, support and respect. I promise to give our children the love my parents were not allowed to give me. I promise to dedicate my whole life to you and our children. Finally, I promise that I will love you until the day I breath my last breath in this world and even then I will love you where ever my soul is."

Draco had tears running down his cheeks and a huge grin on his face. They were interrupted by Madam Pomfrey who was blowing her nose.

"Go on, Mr. Malfoy. If you don't marry him I think I will."

Draco laughed and nodded at Harry.

"I'm sorry, madam, but this man is taken." Harry placed the ring on Draco's finger before kissing him passionately. After a few moments Harry felt a tug on his robes and looked down to find Loren staring up at him.

"Does this mean you're going to be our real papa?"

Harry's eyes couldn't stop some tears from falling and he tearfully answered his son.

"Yes, son, I am your papa." Harry who had sat down next to Draco, pulled Loren on to his lap while Draco pulled Isabelle to his lap.

Draco turned to Harry and motioned for the ring box. When Harry handed him the ring box he watched as Draco took the other ring and placed it on Harry's finger.

Harry looked at the ring on his hand and then at the people around him before smiling and kissing each one of them on the forehead.

Madam Pomfrey smiled at the new family and walked back to her office. They needed their privacy.

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