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My Queen Jude POV!!! This fanfic takes place during the time after Jude is announced Queen of Elfhame by Cardan in The Queen of Nothing but not every one fully believes her being queen yet. (Like before Cardan turns into a snake and before he tells her he loves her) Sorry this one isn't that creative, I really want to write something good for all of my awesome readers!
Please enjoy! I'm not that good at writing fanfic unfortunately but I try! (:

My teeth chatter silently as I slump down against a tree in the forest. I wrap my arms under my shoulders to try to steal any scrap of warmth. Snow cascades down on to my thin jacket that I so wished I had brought like 10 layers. I see my breath in front of me and get more chills that shiver down my spine. Going for a walk tonight was not a good idea. Now I had no idea where I was because of all the snow. I could easily find my way back but I was feeling so cold my fingers went numb and my jaw hurt from chattering. I would do anything to soak up the spring sunlight right now.
I never liked the winter. I always had to stay indoors instead of training outside. I sighed. I waist I was a Faerie. I wonder what it's like to live in a fae body. Was it warmer? It was definitely prettier. Especially my,....husband? It's still hard to stomach Cardan Greenbriar is my husband. And I am Queen of the Fae. A mortal queen... that's also hard to stomach. But it's not like anyone officially believes me about it anyways. Even though their mighty king announced it..
       I think about Taryn and scowl. I love my sister, always have and always will, but she can be such a b*tch sometimes. I wish I was in a normal family. I wish my parents were still alive and stupid Madoc hadn't murdered them all those years ago. I wish I was a normal girl. I wish Oriana would just let me play with Oak for once. I wish I wasn't Queen of the Fae. I wish the fae didn't treat me like the dirt under their shoes. I wish I'd never met the fae and never knew they existed.
      Before I know it, tears are cascading down my face as I bury my head in my arms and cry. I long for my fathers laugh and my mothers sweet touch. I'll never forget my mother, pale on the floor as blood came out of her wound the metallic scent of blood that still sometimes filled my nostrils.
      And that's when I feel it, his touch. The touch that might have lasted less than a second, or a millennia of time. I wouldn't know, all I knew is that a young High King of Faerie touched my shoulder as he sat down next to me, his lips closed yet his eyes wide with concern.
       His crown was tipped to the side and I smirk at the way it looks on him. That's until he takes off his coat and drapes it around me, noticing my shivering. He silently brings out a napkin and solemnly wipes the tears off my face. I freeze and look at him, this touch whatever he's doing that has nothing sexual in it, but it's simply caring. Like someone who has a heart so full of love and kindness. His eyes were filled with nothing but pure honesty. So I return the card and lean into him, my head on his chest.
       "I... I was about to eat diner and noticed my Queen wasn't around." Cardan said, showing me a new side of him. An awkward stuttering, blush-filling-his-cheeks version of him. I smiled at the thought of Cardan without all the dramatics. I always thought you can't even spell Cardan without "dramatic."
       "No, duh. I was crying in the snow." I say this as a joke, yet concern fills Cardans eyes. I nudge him in the side as any trace of pity disappears from his eyes and he continues on with the joke.
         "Let me guess, you didn't want to drink wine with your absolutely stunning-gorgeous husband?" He says, the arrogant smirk coming back.
          "Absolutely stunning-gorgeous husband. Yup. That's one way I would describe you." I say, a laugh lining the corners of my mouth.
          "And what are the other ways may I be entitled to ask?" He says, raising his eyebrows.
           "Pointy-eared arrogant bastard." I say, raising my eyebrows back at him, but he can see the delight in my eyes.
            "Aah. One of the many ways of telling me I'm beautiful." Cardan says.
             We don't really talk after that, just sitting in silence as Cardan casually drapes an arm around my waist, tugging me closer into his warm body. I lean into him, not caring about any rules. A blush tints my face as I realize this is what ordinary people call "cuddling," something my mom used to do with me when I used to cry for stupid reasons as a 7-year-old.
               I smile, the blush leaving my face, eyes meeting Cardans. I do the most daring thing I've ever done. I put my hand onto his. I feel insane doing it, more insane then anything, at this want for love. Not anything sexual, but just sweet harmless caring love.
             Now it's Cardans turn to blush, but it immediately leaves his face as he takes a daring step also. He interlaces his fingers with mine, as I feel more of his warmth flooding into me like light.
             Not to long later we stand up to leave. Though I still long for that sweet harmless caring ness of him I lean away and walk in front of him, back to the castle. I'm about to throw his cloak back at him when he puts a hand in front of him and says "No, keep it," as he walks back into the castle. I could've sworn a smile glinted in his eyes and his mouth twisted in something just like that. Jest it was only for a moment, less than a millisecond. 
            After everything, after that delightful sex we had that one night, this night was probably the best. One I would never share with  anyone, that's how precious it was. The way Cardan showed me his heart and who he could be without all....that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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