Week One, Day 2

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Dear diary,

This place sucks,

I thought having Hanahaki disease would be easy, well, at least for the first week. But now, there are 7 petals on my floor after coughing for what felt like hours. Yesterday it was just one, you know, on the Starbucks floor that I had to slowly walk out of and trying not to make eye contact with the people whispering about me.It was a typical day so far,

1. I woke up

2. I did my stuff

3. I went to work at my bookstore

(This is where it starts to go downhill)

4. I took a 15-minute break

5. coughed up two petals in the backroom

6. Finished up that day and went home

7. Go into my bed and started violently coughing.

And now here we are with seven petals that are staining the rug I just bought was thick red blood. It will soon dry a dark brown color, which won't match since the carpet was white.

I want to cough again, but I don't have the strength to go another round of petal coughing. Besides, I got better things to do, like write and watch tiktoks. Normally I would talk to him, but I don't wanna risk him finding out about my sickness, even if I am bed-bound and on the verge of dying. I plan to never let him know.

I know he deserves to know since he kind of caused this, but I think it's better to keep it quiet. I don't want everyone worrying about me. People would start to feel bad and pity me. And the last thing I want to do is be pitted.

Back in my 4th year in school, I once knew this girl who got in a car wreck. And once she returned to school, I saw the way everyone looked at her. Like she was a fragile doll that would be broken at one wrong move. Everyone started to love her. She was the center of attention, but 

in reality, she was a bitch, and nobody seemed to see it.

I don't want to be looked at like she was—everyone pity on me. I don't want to be pitted.

"Poor little George, his feeling won't be returned, so he's too scared to tell him."

Over my dead body, that will be happening.

Day 2 or 56I'll see you soon-George

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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