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"That's it for today, go home and rest!" Coach Hillman announced to the exhausted players before leaving for his office.

"Everyone, that practice was amazing! Good job" Celia told them enthusiastically as they all slumped to the ground out of breath. The managers got to work handing out bottles of water and towels to the team while giving them encouragement.

"Huh, Peter hasn't returned," Silvia noted as she gave a bottle to Brianna. "Brianna, you were with him before he left, where do you think he went?"

"Oh, he said he had some things he had to finish, I'm sure he's ok" she said nonchalantly in an attempt to make her lose suspicion.

It seemed to work because, "Oh, ok. I hope he comes back tomorrow," was all she said before going to the other players.

Brianna sighed a sigh of relief thanking her brain for thinking of that then took a sip from her bottle as the rest finished theirs and made their way to the changing rooms to prepare to go home. She complied to Patricia's call to "come on" and the field was left empty as the sun began its descent.

                                                                     AT THE HOSPITAL.

Brianna walked through the white-walled halls in pursuit of a particular room. She knew the room number and its exact location by heart for she had been there many days in the past.
She thanked her lucky stars that her fellow first-years, who she had been walking home with, had not pressed questions on her when she made a detour during their walk. She was definitely not ready to explain to them why she was going to the hospital.

She stood in front of the familiar room door which had the number 22 written on it. The door was slightly open so she could see part of the inside. She could also hear some faint noises coming from inside.

Moving closer, she could make out a girl's and a boy's voice and she knew exactly who they were. Looking through the space that was left by the door, she could see two familiar faces talking.

A girl with wavy blond hair reaching her shoulders and golden brown eyes was sitting on the hospital bed laughing at something that the black-haired boy sitting on a chair beside it. Yep, it was Jacob.

Brianna couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"Oh and remember when she was still new to playing then when we were trying to..."

"We were trying to teach her how to shoot a goal then she totally missed the ball and..."

"SHE FELL ON HER BUTT!!" They finished the sentence together then burst out laughing.

After the laughter died down, the girl gave a sad sigh, "I really miss Crystal. I wonder if she's ok."

Jacob noticed the frown on her face and softened up. "Hey, I'm sure she's fine. We just have to... not lose hope." He finished with a sincere smile. Those words seemed to do the trick as the girl immediately lightened up and returned the smile.

"Don't worry, Amelia. Crystal is fine. She will be back." Brianna whispered with a smile then moved away from the door to leave.

She walked down the halls in the direction of the exit but stopped in her tracks when she saw the familiar sight. The boy was walking towards the exit so she couldn't see his face, but just one look at his navy blue hair and the all too familiar Raimon uniform, she knew who it was instantly.

"Peter," she called out to the boy who in turn stiffened at the voice.

He slowly turned around and once he saw the person that owned the voice, a terrified look made it's home on his face.

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