How did we know it would end up this way?

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They had returned from a hunt, and Dean was exhausted, as well as Sam. Dean was just thrown across the room, and stabbed in the right shoulder, and still drove to the motel room that they had rented for the night, only because Sam was drugged and was honestly not driving baby home tonight. (Even Dean knew not to let him drive..) So Dean had gotten Sam into the room, and put him to bed, and then headed to the bathroom to get himself cleaned up, he made sure to grab his clothing before he went into the room, and closed the door behind him. He first took his shirt off and looked in the small bathroom mirror and examined his wound on his shoulder, not surprised at how deep it is, thinking to himself. 'Gonna have to stitch that up after I take the shower.' So he finishes getting undressed and hops into the shower after turning it on and letting it get to the temperature that he wanted it at, then just stands there under the water, letting it relax his muscles, when he hears the familiar sound of wings fluttering. "Cas this better be important." He says glad that the shower curtain is closed.

Castiel looks at the curtain, and just blinks. "I am sorry Dean I will come back later to check on you to see how you are doing, I have already checked on Sam and he seems to be doing alright now that the two of you are back here, and he is fast asleep, I sensed you being awake and came to see if you were alright, I have a feeling I have come at a bad time." He says noticing the way that Dean is saying the things he is saying.

"Cas your fine, I promise, I'm just tired and exhausted, and probably if you wait outside the bathroom while I take a shower that should be a bit better too, remember personal space." He says washing his hair out of all the dirt.

"Alright Dean, I will speak to you in the room where the beds are." He says before there is a flutter of wings and Dean is once again alone in the bathroom.

"That angel will be the death of me..." Dean mutters as he rinses his hair before quickly finishing the shower by washing up and rinsing the soap off of him, then turning the water off before he steps out of the shower and dries himself off, hanging up the towel on a towel rack and then getting dressed, in some blue boxes and a pair of grey sweat pants, and a black wife beater, before opening the door to head out of the bathroom, remembering about the gash in his shoulder he grabs the first aid kit, and then heads out of the bathroom, then looks over at Castiel who is sitting at the table where Dean set his bag, reading through a book that he had laying right on top of everything in the bag. "Cas what is that book?" He says watching the angel.

"It has a lot of pictures in it.. Why are these girls all half naked?" Cas asks him lifting up the book for Dean to see.

Dean blinks. "Cas that is a playboy, and it is mine, please put it back." He says sitting down by Castiel, and opening the first aid kit getting out a needle and thread, before threading the needle and stitching up his shoulder. As he does that he explains to Castiel what a playboy is, and that they make one about every month and there are a couple places that make them.

Castiel makes an oh face, before putting it back into Dean's bag and looking at Dean. "Would you like help with that?" He says pointing to Dean's shoulder.

Dean gives Castiel a slight nod. "If you would be so kind to help me out, yes." He says offering the needle to Castiel having gotten it started, but can't quite get the stitches right. "And a head of time thank you."

Cas nods to Dean and gets to work on helping stitch up his shoulder, before he is done, he has Dean get out a bandage from the first aid box for him and set it aside, "You are welcome Dean, I will do just about anything for you and Sam." He says as he ties it off and cuts off the extra that has the needle attached to it, before placing the bandage over it after pouring some alcohol over it.

"And we will do the same for you Castiel, you know you are our friend, and friends do things for one another." Dean says as he takes a drink of the rum. "That hurt, but at least it will heal now." He says looking at Cas who is still standing up next to Dean. "What's the matter Cas, what did you come to talk about?"

"I came to check up on you both Dean, I did not think that I needed to talk, but I am glad you will do the same for me." He says with a small smile on his face. "But since you said about talking, I wanted to ask you a question.." He says sitting back down in the chair over on the other side of the table right across from Dean.

"Shoot." Dean says to Cas motioning with his hand for him to continue as well.

Cas looks him dead in the eyes, "What would you do if I told you that my vessel was showing feelings towards you.. And they are from me, actually.." He says still looking at Dean in the eyes.

"Like what kind of feelings Castiel?" Dean says looking back at Cas, hoping it's the way he thinks it is.

"Like. Like Like I think is the phrase you all use." Castiel says looking at him trying to figure out how to say it to him, with out scaring him away. "Iwantyoutobemine." He just lets it go out of his mouth faster than he can actually stop himself from blurting it out.

"Oh thank god, I was wondering cause you don't show how you feel alot, and geez." Dean says relaxing in the chair.

"So will you be mine?" Cas says still looking him in the eyes seeming to not have emotions in them.

"If you come around more, yes I will be yours." Dean says. "But won't we be in trouble Cas with both up and down? I mean won't we be breaking so many laws?" He says looking at Cas. "We'd be like Romeo and Juilet. Except we wont kill ourselves like they did."

Castiel sighs. "Well yes, but isn't it worth fighting for?" He says tilting his head to the side.

"Of course." Dean says smiling. "We gotta tell Sam in the morning." He says smiling. "I'm gonna get some sleep though first Cas. I'm so tired." He says standing up, and pushing the chair in, before looking at Cas. "You still be here when I wake up?" Dean says a slight smile on his face.

"Yes Dean, if you want I will sit by you on your bed. Only if you want though." Castiel says as he stands up from his chair, taking off his trench coat, setting it on the back of the chair and taking his shoes off.

"Sure." Dean says as he walks over to his bed. "You can even lay down by me if you want to, I don't care." He says pulling the covers back, being careful of his shoulder, before laying down in the bed and covering up, laying on his side facing Sam, watching him sleep for a moment. Smiling when he feels the other side of the bed press down a bit, knowing that Castiel has at least sat on the bed.

Castiel sits there before laying down next to Dean on his back, blinking when Dean is moving over Castiel and he is moving move to where Dean was laying, Castiel now closer to where Sam is, and blinks at Deans head on his shoulder. "Am I a pillow?" Cas asks confused. "And you shouldn't crawl over people with your shoulder like that Dean you will rip the stitches."

"I'm alright, and yes, a pillow, a comfortable one at that, I've wanted to do this for a while now." Dean says before closing his eyes, and covering back up with the blanket. "Night Castiel." He says before starting to doze off.

"Good night Dean, sleep well." He says putting an arm around Dean and holding him as Dean sleep, awaiting the morning to come.

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