Where did the Angel go?

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He was missing that what is happening right now. Dean and sam got to the diner, and went in and looked around "Cas?" Dean says as he looks around for his angelic boyfriend.

As Dean looks around, Sam looks out side of the diner for any sign that the angel was actually here, checking the mud, finding all sorts of foot prints in them except for the ones that be honestly needs to find, "castiel where are you?" Sam whispers. "Where the hell did you go and get your ass back here."

Dean goes up to the cashier and looks at her. "Have you seen a man with blue eyes, messy black hair, and a tan trench coat? By any chance?" He asks her as he looks into her eyes, winking at her.

She giggles at him and gives a sly smile. "No I haven't but you could stay a while and keep me company." She says as she looks Dean over.

"Sorry doll, but I'm taken." He says giving his signature smirk. Looking at her name tag and smiling. "Rebekah." He says before turning around and heading back out of the diner, and over to where his brother is. "Sammy, come on." He says. "We need to find that angel now." He says, as he gets back into the Impala.

Sam sighs not liking when he sees his brother like this, knowing that this man will not sleep till Castiel is actually found. "Dean we will find him, I promise you that." Sam says as he gets into the impala as well, waiting for Dean to take off.

~Off in a distant part of town~

Castiel sits in the chair, hands tied behind his back, blood running down his face and his shirt torn. "I've told you, I have no clue where that is, and now if you will let me go I must be getting some where important, they need me, and they might be hurt." Castiel growls at the man standing in front of him.

The man chuckles and looks at Castiel, "Well until you find a way out of that angel trap." The man smirks, his eyes going black before turning back to normal. "I'll just stand here and watch you until I feel satisfied enough." The Demon says to Castiel.

"I know your tricks." Castiel says as he spits out some blood from his mouth. "Just let me go so I can go to my charges." He says as the Demon punches him in the face, making him spit out more blood and coughing a bit.

"I told you no." The Demon says as he turns his head as if he is being called on by the king of Demon's crowley.

Castiel just sits there, and looks around trying to figure out how to get out of this. "Dean you better hurry up." Cas says as he wiggles in the chair and then gets the ropes off, then looks at the circle and tries to get the circle broken. Before calling up Dean. "Answer your phone." He says as the phone picks up.


"Cas where are you?"

"I'm in a warehouse."

"Where is that?"

"I honestly don't know. But it's by a river, and it was also by a railroad track."

"I think I know where you are, I will be there in a few minutes Castiel, hold on and be careful." Dean says before hanging up the phone.

Castiel looks around and pockets the phone and just sits down on the floor in the circle. "He better get here soon." Cas says.

~About three hours later~

Dean busts through the door of the warehouse, this being the fifth one. "Castiel are you actually in this one!" He shouts gun at the ready, and looking around.

"Yup, I'm on the floor." He calls to Dean where he is laying.

Sam and Dean head all the way into the Warehouse, and Dean runs over and gets a rock and scratches the circle marking to let Castiel out, and before he can finish, he gets thrown across the room by the Demon that has been with Castiel off and on with in these hours.

"Well well what do we have here?" He says looking at Dean and Sam. "Oh the Winchester brothers."

Sam watches him throw Dean. "DEAN!" He shouts, and goes to shoot the Demon, but misses, and hits the wall as he is punched in the face.

"You sonofabitch!" Dean growls, seeming to sound drugged by the blow, him getting up and walking towards the Demon. "You hit my brother, and you hit my angel. And more then enough, you hit me too. Your gonna die." He says before punching the Demon right in the face.

The demon growls at Dean and goes to hit him, and more so tackle him to the ground, but Dean is quicker than the Demon, and twists his arm behind his back and then slices his throat, watching as the black smoke leaves the body, and then drops the body, before going to get Castiel out of the angel ring.

Castiel smiles at Dean, and gets out once it is broken and hugs him, "You are okay right?" He says checking Dean over, a smile on his face as he does so. "Thank you for coming Dean."

"Oh shut up." He says before kissing Castiel. "Sammy boy you alright?" He says looking over at Sam who is now by the door.

"I'm fine I promise you that, and are you two okay?" He says leaning against the wall, his nose bloody but not bleeding anymore.

"I am fine." Castiel says. "I will heal by morning so I will and am fine. You two though, will take about a couple weeks to heal." He says being all scientific now. "I want to help as much as I can in making it so that you two get better faster." He says as him and Dean walk to the door.

"Castiel you are already helping in more than one way." Dean says a smile playing on his face. "But Sammy you are gonna have to drive. I can't see straight." He says holding his head as he walks outside of the warehouse. "I got a concussion." He says to Sam, as well as Castiel.

"How can I help Dean?" Cas says.

"Help me get to the car and we will be okay from there, more so the back seat, I need to lay down." Dean mutters, as he stumbles to baby.

"Keys Dean I need keys." Sam says as Dean pulls the keys out and throws them to Sam. "Thanks. Cas you riding shot gun." He says.

"And no music." Dean says while looking at Sam, well in the general direction, a bit off, him seeing doubles.

"Alright alright."Sam says getting in, opening the back for for Castiel to let Dean in, and help him lay down, before the two go to there respected sides of the car.

"Where too Dean?" Sam says.

"Hotel." He mutters. "We are not traveling tonight, or tomorrow, sleep is needed and so is pie." He says before dozing off.

Castiel and Sam just laugh as Dean passes out the two of them talking as they travel to a hotel.

None of them expecting anything to come in the future.

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