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The next day, Mix woke up early for the reason they had a photoshoot with a magazine. He took a quick shower and while dressing up, he sighed still feeling bothered with this unusual feeling of emptiness.

"Oi Mix, you better behave yourself, okay? He's just probably teasing you like what he always does" He said talking to himself in front of the mirror while fixing his shirt.

"Gosh, I'm probably losing my mind talking to myself about this now." His thoughts were interrupted when his phone rang.

"I'm infront of your building"

Mix's ears felt hot, he immediately shrugged and shook his head repeatedly scared of this overwhelming feelings. "It was just a casual text, now what are you feeling shy about? As if it's the first time him picking you up, you're fucked up Mix." Mix thought to himself while messing his hair.

He grabbed his bag and locked his door before texting back, "I'm on my way downstairs"


Downstairs, Mix was welcomed with a smile by a man who looks so fine even when wearing just a plain shirt.

"What the hell!? How can he look so good like that in the morning?"  Mix screaming his thoughts to himself again.

"Good morning" Earth greeted him happily while riding the car.

"What's good in the morning? It's Sunday and I still had to wake up early geez" Mix said trying to sound grumpy so that Earth won't notice he's affecting him.

"You're probably just hungry that's why you're being grumpy. Let us have some drive thru on the way the set " Earth said before chuckling.

Mix stared at him for seconds before turning his head on the side of the window sighing again.

He's starting to have a hard time. The more he acknowledge his feelings for P'Earth the more it scares him. He swear, he tried to avoid it but Earth's little actions keep finding its ways to touch his heart. Their friendship were envied by everybody. They've been friends for seven years already even before being an on-screen couple that's why many says they're really have the chemistry and not awkward at all. Even Earth agrees to this, he said the he was beyond thankful to be paired with Mix because he was very comfortable with him and made work easily.

Ruining their friendship, their career, what might be his parents reaction with him liking a man is just some of the many factors that what scares Mix the most. He doesn't know if he can afford to lose everything but one thing for sure he doesn't wanna lose him.

On the other hand, Earth kept stealing glances to Mix. He felt a bit worried because Mix is not usually like this. He's quiet, kept sighing and engrossed to his own thoughts which are far from a usual bubbly Mix, Earth thought to himself.

They finally got their food from the drive thru and Mix started to bite on his burger.

Earth thinking of making him busy so he won't start thinking all by himself again said, "Can you feed me?"

"U-uh? You have h-hands what feed are you saying?" Mix can't help to stutter when answering.

"I'm driving, you see?"

"You can use your other hand duh?"

"I'm driving you and bought you breakfast, why can't just say yes?" Earth said starting to sound irritated.

"Yeah? Who said you need to do all of those things? No one right?, Mix answered back which he prayed he didn't because it looks like it triggered him.

Instead of bickering back which Mix thought he will do, Earth didn't say a word and now had a scowl on his face started to went a little faster and was grabbing the steering wheel really hard.

This made Mix a little nervous. Did I went too much? I just tried to sound like my usual self and I thought he will just nag back like what we always do but he looks mad now.

The whole ride remained quiet and the time they reach the set Earth immediately went  inside not waiting for him. He didn't even brought his supposed breakfast with him, Mix thought while staring at the paper bag beside him.

He rest his head first, "Mixxiw, what do you think you're doing now? I thought act normal? You're actually ruining everything" He said to himself sounding stress while running his hands on his face and hair.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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