Penny at the Door

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My ribs were elbowed and then my shins kneed. Commotion raged within the grasp of my arms. My ears picked up heavy breathing and only then did my skin feel the sweat sticking to it. Then ... a cry for help.

I perked up out of bed and watched in the dark my wife toss and turn in her sleep. She cried out again and my heart fell to my stomach. I rested my elbows on my knees and just sat their until her night terror passed. Five minutes is what it usually takes for her to find herself again.

I glanced at the small clock on the nightstand and sighed. Nature was calling even at one in the morning for me.

I climbed out of bed and quickly went to the bathroom. Then I grabbed a glass of water and tried to act calm as Nora still thrashed in fear on the bed. I decided to avoid the scene by going outside for a split second.

The June air was cool and felt really nice on my shirtless body. My sensitive ears were still picking up my panicked wife's heartbeat and I tried so hard to block it out.

Because it broke my heart. Every. Single. Night. Nora didn't know it but her night terrors were slowly chipping away at my humanity.

I was barely getting sleep anymore these past two months of returning with her in my arms. The worst part about it all though, is that I couldn't help but beat myself up every night because I know what they did to her while she was in captivity. And I wasn't there to stop it. And I know what she dreams about every night. And I am still unable to stop it!

It pisses me off!

I'm supposed to be the Alpha and I failed her when I was given the chance to prove myself!

The glass in my hand shattered onto the wood below me as my hands could no longer withhold the anger I felt at the moment.

My muscles began to swell and deflate with every heavy breath I took as the pictures my mind was creating began to haunt me and tear me apart.

Though I wasn't there to see my Nora get tortured, I could only imagine how ugly and horrific and disgusting it all was. It boils my blood.

I was so focused on my infuriating anger that I didn't even hear footsteps come onto the porch. Warm and sweaty arms wrapped themselves around me, not even fully because they were so small compared to my massive build.

Gentle kisses began to decorate my backside and I slowly felt the beast within me fade.

"Careful," I began as I turned around, "there's glass." Nora looked down and sadly smiled. She then closed the space between us and kissed my abdomen. She nuzzled her cheek and nose into my muscular stomach as I wrapped my arms around her and held her close.

"When I woke up, you weren't there." She innocently pointed out.

"I needed some air."

She looked around and nodded. "A warm summer storm is coming."

"How do you know that?"

"Not like the weather, Penny."


Nora turned to me. "Penny is the witch who helped you escape."

We hadn't talked about that witch at all because somehow it never came up.

"Oh, she's coming?" I asked.


"Why do you call her a 'summer storm'?"

"Because she's not alone." Nora strictly said with an ominous tone. I wondered what she meant but part of me guessed "not alone" meant someone was after her.

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