Chapter Seventeen

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Josephine lowered herself into the steaming hip bath with a grateful sigh. The day had been long and tiring, but the Townsends had installed an impressive array of creature comforts at Hartley Manor since Charles won the estate at cards. This large bath screened in a corner of their bedroom was one such comfort.

As Josephine cleaned and bound Jack's arm at the cottage, Faith and Bea had returned. The three females had a royal reunion with hugs and tears. Though Faith was delighted that her mentor was safe, Josephine could see that her apprentice was finding her feet as the area midwife. Faith Samuels would do very well for Hartley.

After tearful goodbyes, Josephine and her escorts travelled up to the manor. The Townsends had returned home just that morning. Charles Townsend had been on the verge of sending word of Josephine's kidnapping to the Duke and Duchess of Kent when Hero appeared and was able to assure them of her safety.

Much of the rest of the day was spent explaining Josephine rank and recent marriage. Madison Townsend, twin to Rose, though it was a vastly romantic tale. Josephine hoped the girl never had such "romance" in her own life.

While Josephine was bathing, Hero and Jack had withdrawn with Charles Townsend to address the untidy details of killing villains in Hartley. Josephine wondered which of the men had done the actual shooting, then decided she would rather not know. Both had been soldiers. Both did what needed to be done.

What would normal life be in the future? She hoped that Hero was right in his belief that Damien Tiffin would call off his hounds after he learned Josephine was now Hero's wife. She could not bear to live the rest of her life under the shadow of Violence. Even worse was knowing that others might suffer because of Damien's fury.

She closed her eyes, revelling in the fragrant lavender oil that had been added to the hot water. She must have dozed off because she came awake with a start when the door to the bedroom opened. "Josephine?" Hero called.

Though the hip bath was behind a screen, she felt awkward being naked in the same room with her husband. She scrambled out, trying not to splash the carpet. "I was enjoying the hot water too much," she said as she reached for a towel.

There was a clink of glass on wood. "No need to rush," he said. "Townsend offered me the hip bath in his dressing room, so I bathed as well."

Her nightgown and robe were draped over the top of the screen, so she dressed hastily and emerged as she unpinned her hair. Hero had settled into one of the wing chairs. After his bath, he had just pulled on his trousers and left his shirt loose. His dark hair was darkened from moisture and he looked relaxed, happy, and criminally handsome. "You deal with assassination attempts much better than I," she said wryly.

"Like most actions, it's a matter of practice." He gestured at the table between the paired wing chairs, which held a brandy glass and a steaming mug. "I brought up brandy for me plus some concoction that the cook said that you liked. I think it's hot milk and spices and some form of spirits."

"Rose's hot posset," Josephine said with pleasure. She collected her hairbrush from the dressing table and sat in the chair opposite Hero. "How thoughtful of Mrs McGellar, Rose learned all kinds of home remedies from her grandmother, including this one. It's delicious and very soothing after a hard day. You might want to taste it."

He eyed the mug dubiously as she took a sip. "Another time, perhaps."

She set the posset down and picked up the brush to straighten the tangles from her damp hair. "Will there be any trouble over Arthur's man being killed?"

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