Chapter Twenty Three

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When Josephine and Hero entered the small salon, she stopped dead in her tracks, shocked by how much her brother had grown to look like their father. "Christopher," she whispered despairingly.

Her brother had been a schoolboy when she last saw him, all big hands and feet that he hadn't yet grown into. Now he was a man, expensive and aristocratic to the bone. He was taller than her father but with the Langford features and the Langford coloring-and an anger that scorched the room. She wanted to weep. Or run away.

Hero placed a warm hand on the small of her back, reminding her that she wasn't alone. No matter how much her family despised her, Hero was on her side. That conviction made it possible to stand her ground in the face of her brother's anger.

Hero spoke to fill the silence when she couldn't. "Lord Stoneleigh?" he said easily as he closed the door behind them. "I'm Major Tiffin." He offered his hand. "I presume you've heard that we are now brothers-in-law."

Ignoring Hero as if he was invisible, Anthony stalked forward, his gaze never leaving Josephine's face. She glimpsed Hero beside her from the corner of her eye. He was cool and composed-and quietly prepared to stop her brother dead in his tracks if the younger man threatened harm.

"It really is you, Jo," Christopher said tautly. "I couldn't believe it when the Duke wrote that you were alive."

She tried to smile. "Indeed I am, Chris. A dozen years older. I hope a little wiser. I...I thought of you often."

"Then why did you let me believe you were dead?" His cry from the heart splintered his polished fagade to reveal the boy who had been her dearest friend. A boy who had suffered greatly from the loss of his only sister, and now felt betrayed.

Josephine blinked back tears, but her gaze didn't drop. "I didn't dare, Chris. It was too large a secret for a young brother to bear."

"Perhaps you were right then." His mouth twisted. "But in all the years since?"

"The only way I could survive was to turn away from my past, because remembering was too painful," she said haltingly. "And...I feared that if you learned I was alive, you would despise me for my deception. Apparently I was right."

"Damn you, Josephine!" Voice breaking, Christopher stepped forward and wrapped her in a crushing embrace. The top of her head barely reached his chin. "How could you think I would despise my own sister?"

"'ve grown," Josephine choked out before she began to weep from relief. Because she had expected nothing good from her father, his contempt was painful but predictable. But she and Christopher had been close. His rejection would have been devastating.

After her tears slowed, Hero said, "I gather this means that even though your father has disowned Josephine, you won't be giving her the cut direct if you meet socially."

"Of course not." Christopher's voice was husky as he stepped back a little to study Josephine's face. His eyes were his father's, but his caring expression came from their mother. "You are my sister, Jo, and I'm proud to tell the world that. Stephen can cut you, but he can't actually disown you since your inheritance is from Mother."

"I don't care what Stephen thinks about my wicked ways." Almost giddy with relief, Josephine sat on the sofa, tugging Christopher down next to her. "What matters is that you are welcoming me."

"I'll talk to the family lawyer about transferring your inheritance." Christopher gave Hero a wary glance. "Of course a settlement should be drawn up."

The wariness was understandable. Because Josephine and Hero were already married, he was legally entitled to complete control of all her property. In a properly arranged marriage, there would have been negotiations and a prenuptial contract. Josephine trusted Hero to be honorable, but Christopher didn't know him.

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