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Wilbur POV

I snap my head around imbarassed that Phil had walked in on me and Y/n .

It's not like we where naked or showing anything except me cause I had no shirt on, I was still in shock. I got off of y/n and but my shirt back on " Hey Phil, how are you buddy."

I say trying not to be imbarassed. He looks at me and then at y/n and starts laughing.

I look at y/n who got off my bed. " I'm just gonna leave you guys to it. " She says and walks out of the room. I look back at Philza and tell him " you saw nothing." He continues to laugh at my missery.


As I left the room I began to leave the house. I said bye to Fundy and started making my way home. It was a peaceful walk, the orange, yellow, and red leaves danced all over the place. The crisp autumn air blew gently through my hair.

Moments like this I enjoy, where there is not a care in the world and just beauty. I started to have a bad feeling as if I was being watched so I went into an alley way hiding behind some stacked bricks.

Just as I thought, someone followed me into the alley. When the got close enough I tackled them to the ground and saw it was Technoblade. " Jesus Techie you scared me." " I scared you!? You tackled me." " Didn't your mama teach you not to sneak up on girls."

" Eh I didn't pay attention if she did." He said with a smirk. I got off of him and held my hand out to help him up. He took my hand and got up off the ground. I just smiled at him and hugged him. Techno was stiff at first but melted into the hug, hugging me back. " I missed you Techno,"

" I missed you too nerd." He said with a chesire grin. After a while of silence and enjoying each other's company you both decided to get out of the alley way. " How are things?" You asked him.

Technoblade pov

If I could be honest with her I'd say amazing and try to kiss her but in my story line happily ever after doesn't exist. So I told her

" Eh, Ranboo is Ranboo, Phil is visiting Wilbur, and I'm alright justgladtobewiththeprettiestgirlintown."

" What was that last part Techie?" She asked. That Nik name almost gets me every time. " Nothing really..." I said trying to play it cool. " Whatever you say Techie." Y/n said with a smile shortly laughing afterwards.  I start laugh too.

We made our way to her house and I walked her to the door. " See you later nerd." I say as she opens the door and walks in. " See ya later dork." She says and shuts the door.

(483 words)

Love you all so so much and see you soon loves

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