The Temple of the Serpents

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"Alright, Temple of the Serpents is up the mountain, you ready", Ella asked, although a bit tired from fighting, their goal was up ahead

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... hold up, kids", Sully said

"What's wrong", Nate asked

"Nothing's wrong, but with this bum leg, there's no way I'm climbing up there, I'll just hold you guys up", Sully stated

"You're not going to hold us up", Ella reassured

"Guys, hear me out, once you get Chase, we're gonna need a ride outta here, right; I mean, I don't know about you, but there's no way I'm hiking anyplace after this", Sully explained

"Hadn't thought of that", Nate muttered

"You two get going, find her, I'll wait here and first chance I get, I'm stealin' one of those", Sully stated, pointing to a helicopter, parked nearby

"You think you're up for that", Nate asked

"I might be a little rusty, but... yeah I think so, you know when I was in the Navy, I used to... yeah, yeah... another story, another time, go on, get outta here", Sully stated

"We'll be back", Ella said

"Nate, Ella, you two be careful out there, remember my retirement plan", Sully stated

"Hey, we're not the ones who busted up a leg", Nate teased

"Hey, it's just a bad sprain, I'm feeling better every minute", Sully said, causing both Nate and Ella to roll their eyes and let out a chuckle; running forward, the two began climbing up the temple, Dante's mercenaries were littered everywhere, but, they were no match for either Nate or Ella; Climbing up the area, the two came out of an opening, looking up, they saw Dante talking with his mercenaries he hired.

"Dante", Nate said, a bit of anger in his voice

"I got a report that shots were fired by the river", Dante stated

"It was nothing", a goon said

"I'm telling you, it was Drake and Davis, you tell your men to up their game or there's going to be a lot less of them come payday", Dante stated as he walked away, the goon following behind

"...Son of a bitch, I'll see you in hell", Nate muttered

"Don't worry Nate, he'll get what's coming to him", Ella said

"Yeah, come on", Nate said, the two climbing around to reach the top, where Dante was at moments ago, as they neared an opening, both stopped when a voice was heard.

"Drake and Davis had been spotted, in the upper chamber, kill them on sight, Dante's orders", a goon stated

"One of Dante's mercenaries", Ella whispered

"Bastards", Nate muttered, throwing a goon off the ledge, allowing them to climb up, and taking out the other roaming mercenaries, and began climbing once again, unfortunately getting spotted; but it wasn't a problem for Nate and Ella as they pulled their handguns out and quickly shot the goons; once all were dead, the two continued forward, quickly and quietly, as they made it to the ledge, both got spotted

"I got 'em, you're both dead, see how you like this", a goon shouted, firing a rocket launcher, the rocket hit the ledge, making Nate and Ella fall; luckily enough, Nate grabbed the lower ledge, as Ella hung onto Nate's hand, as Ella climbed up first, he then helped Nate up

"You alright", Ella asked

"I'm fine, you", Nate asked

"Still in one piece", Ella stated as then gunshots rang out, "looks like it's gonna get a bit harder for us",

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