The Golden Abyss

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"Look over here", Nate called out as Ella and Chase walked up to Nate, a skeleton on the ground

"Quivirans", Chase said

"Or what's left of them... they've been preserved here for centuries", Ella stated

"Yet, their bodies are all contorted... like they died in agony", Chase added

"Maybe, maybe birth defects of some kind, maybe sacrificed to the gods of the underworld", Nate asked

"Imagine what poor Friar Marcos must have thought when he stumbled across them", Chase said

"We still have no proof that Marcos actually made it this far, let's keep moving", Ella said as the three moved forward once again, reaching a dock area

"Whoa, the Lake of Ghosts", Nate said

"It's like ice in here", Chase said

"Yep, look there, glacier melt, we're not swimming in here", Ella stated

"Unless we wanna freeze to death", Chase added

"Hey over here", Nate called out, the two turned around to see Nate by a boat

"You think it'll float", Chase asked

"It seems sound enough, but I guess we'll find out, here, help me push it into the water", Nate asked as Ella and Chase helped Nate get the boat into the water and climbed in; later paddling through the water, and eventually towards another dock; getting out of the boat, the three approached another door, locked by a puzzle, Ella was quick enough to descramble the pieces and solve the puzzle.

"You did it again", Chase said, "doors within doors, whatever's in here... the Quiviran's wanted to protect it pretty badly",

"Yeah, let's find out why", Ella said as the door slid open and the three ran inside

"Wow, look at the walls", Chase said, looking at the walls, the walls were all gold, looking down, the three saw an abyss of gold

"The Golden Abyss", Nate said

"The what", Chase asked

"Something Marcos wrote in his report to the Sete Cidades", Ella stated

"And there, below the throne of the Morning Star, great veins of gold coursed through the walls as blood from the Beast of Mammon; a golden abyss to guard the gates to hell", Nate read out loud

"How do you guys remember all this stuff", Chase asked

"We have perfect recall", Nate said

"Really", Chase said

"Yeah... and a good journal", Nate said

"Uh-huh, come on", Chase said walking forward, Nate and Ella following behind; climbing up stairs, the three reached a golden throne, a corpse was on the throne

"The throne of gold", Chase said

"We made it", Nate said as the three approached the throne

"Nate, Ella, look at his clothes", Chase asked

"Moorish, 16th century", Nate stated

"Esteban, it's gotta be; but how is he so well preserved", Chase asked

"No idea, but he didn't stay behind willingly; sorry Esteban", Ella said, pulling a dagger out of Esteban's corpse

"16th century, Spanish", Nate stated

"Chase, we found your proof, this could have only belonged to one man", Ella said as Nate handed the dagger to Chase

"Friar Marcos, he murdered Esteban", Chase said

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