Jin x Tzuyu (JinTzu/TzuJin) - High pt.1

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A/n: this gon get weird
Trust me
I do NOT condone taking drugs if they aren't prescribed to you by a doctor
I also don't condone breaking the law


Life was luxurious

Ok, there were occasional fads of nearly getting caught by the cops here and there, but Seokjin didn't worry about it too much.

The main thing that made his life so luxurious was his beautiful girlfriend, Tzuyu

Despite their 7 year age gap, they had a functioning relationship which made both of them happy.

They had met and fallen in love when Tzuyu was only 16 and Jin was 22

Flashback: November 2nd 2015

Tzuyu was walking around at 2 am due to having an argument with her mother which left her unable to sleep. Suddenly she heard lots of laughter and smelt something unfamiliar. It caught her attention so she followed the noise and strange smell.

They led her to a racing track. Despite not knowing anyone there, Tzuyu hung around for a bit before someone noticed her.

"Hey, tall girl!", a girl with ruby red hair shouted to Tzuyu, who looked at her confused. The girl went over to Tzuyu, a soft smile grazing her face.

"You new? Not seen ya around before", the red head asked, tilting her head slightly while placing a hand on her hip

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"You new? Not seen ya around before", the red head asked, tilting her head slightly while placing a hand on her hip.

"I don't know anyone here, I kinda got lost. But, d'you mind if I stay for a bit?", Tzuyu shyly spoke, not wanting to go home and face her mom who would be furious.

"Not at all, come with me. I'm Jihyo by the way", the shorter girl smiled, dragging Tzuyu over to her group of friends.

The one thing Tzuyu immediately noticed was that the girls all wore similar outfits and had visible tattoos.

Four of the girls were chatting, one was focused on her phone screen and the remaining two were being very touchy, giving each other small kisses and giggling.

"Ay, girls. I found a lost newbie", Jihyo stated, drawing the attention to her and Tzuyu. A girl with long brown hair tied up into two pigtails got up and went to them.

 A girl with long brown hair tied up into two pigtails got up and went to them

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