I 10.1 I Overdue Meetings

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A few days after the Quidditch match, Alexander finally had the opportunity to talk to Madam Hooch. All the other times he tried to visit her office she had been unavailable. As the excitement and pressure from the first match had subsided, she was now much more tranquil. She was his path into learning more about his mother, and he was determined to track her down. Madam Hooch was here at the same time when his mother went to Hogwarts, so surely she would know at least a glimmer of information?

Madam Hooch's office location was, in fact, on the opposite side of the castle. Her office was wide and spacious. Large, arched windows opened wide, stretching out onto a wide shot of the courtyard, and a moderate breeze was wafting inside. The room itself was neatly organised and contained a wardrobe near the back; there was a standard desk, which had small stacks of parchment, and a chair, where Madam Hooch was currently sitting. Three broomsticks were dotted around the office, propped up against the wall.

Madam Hooch's quill was moving briskly as she scribbled on a parchment. She glanced up, her hawk yellow eyes becoming fixed on Alexander as he appeared in her sight, not ceasing her movement of the quill. Then, she peered back down. Alexander shifted uncomfortably, rocking back on his feet as he waited for her to speak, hands crossed behind his back. He was worried that she was going to turn him away, or worse, refuse to tell him anything.

'Well, don't just stand there gawping, Mr Laurent,' barked Madam Hooch impatiently after a few seconds of silence, raising a stern eyebrow. The sharpness of her tone caused Alexander to jolt slightly and shift his gaze away from the Courtyard view. 'Either come inside or turn back around.'

Alexander nodded clumsily. 'Right, sorry.' He entered, the scent of heady broom polish wafting in the air, and took a seat in front of her desk. The hard, wooden surface of the chair dug into his back.

Madam Hooch placed her quill down, rolled up the parchment, and left it on the edge of the desk. She focused her full attention on him, her gaze expectant. Alexander fought the urge to squirm in his seat, swiftly becoming nervous. He briefly questioned if he was making a mistake. Perhaps the answer should come from Grandfather rather than other people. He could be more demanding and not take no for an answer. What was he so afraid of? And yet, it was easier said than done. Grandfather had proven to be unreliable.

'Was there something you needed, Mr Laurent?' Madam Hooch's look sharpened. 'Have the Weasley twins been messing around with the broom closet again? I warned those two there would be consequences.'

'No, no – that's not what I'm here for.' He paused, wondering how to bring up the subject. 'I was, er, hoping that you can help me with something.'

Madam Hooch tilted her head, appearing a tad interested. 'Oh, and is it a Quidditch-related question? Because if you're looking for a way on the team you'd have to talk to the captain, that's Wood for you. Although I'm not sure he's holding try-outs at the moment.'

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