Chapter Eight

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Anne POV:

My husband slammed open Emily's bedroom door and glared at me. "What the hell do you think your doing you dirty slut!"

I sat up immediately and began yelling back at him about how he has no right to barge into Emily's room like that.

"You've always spent so much time obsessing over that stupid child just because her mom died and you wanted to feel like a hero! Well guess what?!?!? Your no better than any other foster parent! Your just a dirty slut who wanted someone to make her feel good about herself!" He yelled

"Don't you dare talk about Emily like that! And you guess what?!?!  I've been wanting to say this for awhile but now seems like a good time! I'm divorcing you! I know all about your mistress you selfish basterd!" I screamed back

Emily grabbed my hand to calm me down and I quieted my tone. "As far as I'm concerned we're already divorced. You're not welcome here. Leave." I said in a very stern voice

"You can't kick me out of my own god damn house!" He screamed back

"This is not your house. It belongs to me. I can call the police if you'd rather be dragged out." I said back

With that he left and I apologized to Emily for his behavior. "You have nothing to apologize for. I'm actually really proud of you." Emily said

"And seeing you tell your real feelings to your husband like that made me realize something. Anne Peterson I have been in love with you since I was 14. You are my sun, moon, and earth. Anne....will you be with me?" Emily asked

"'re only 17.......I shouldn't....." I started

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