C H A P T E R | T H R E E

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There was a girl in Emerys face when her eyes opened, she was waving like a maniac and her mouth seemed to be moving at 1000 mp/h. Whatever she was saying she was trying to get her point across fast by how wild her face looked.

Her hearing finally came to and she sat forward trying to keep up with what the girl was saying "you have to hurry" and "they'll arrive soon" or "your new here right" all sorts of different things that all sounded like jumbo jumbo to her ears.

Without getting a response to the girls last question, two hands wrapped around her arms and hoisted her into the air, in one of Emerys hands was her shoes in the other was her bag. Still holding onto her, the girl took off sprinting, yanking Emery closely behind her snd out the doors.

Behind them, the main door slammed as it shut, making the noise bounce around the yard "hey" the girl rose her voice to catch Emerys attention as she ran right into the girls back. Taking a step back to give space, Emery finally got a chance to look at the girl.

She was just a little bit taller then herself but they looked completely different, the girl had slanted eyes from Asian descent and her hair was pitch black and incredibly straight. She wore the uniform but her skirt seemed to reach further down her thigh and her shirt not as tight against her chest. She was incredibly beautiful, and she carried herself like she knew it, like she knew she should be proud of herself.

Holding out her hand she gripped Emerys and then her mouth opened again, this time speaks slower and more clearly "I'm Anastasia" she said and gave a small smile. Her mouth curved up at the side and her eyes were full of playfulness and something else that Emery couldn't recognize.

Anastasia started walking away from her, towards the building Emery was supposed to go. She had to sprint to keep up with the girl who walked fast for a girl in heels "wait up" she hollered and took large steps to keep up.

As a nicety she slowed down enough that Emery didn't need to pant and attempt to keep up, she was able to walk with just a faster pace "what where you saying earlier" she asked and pulled her bag into her chest, leaving one hand limp at her side.

The girl stopped completely and held her hand out to signal Emery to stop as well "you can't be in the hall when their coming" she said and leaned around the side of the school with a watchful eye.

Coming back to her senses, she gripped onto Emery and pushed her against the wall "three things you need to know" she said with a harsh voice, meaning for her to listen and listen well "one, your a scholarship student, if I could tell that anyone could. You have to act like your not, or your fresh pray."

Emery let out a noise of insult and bite her tongue to keep from snarking back at the girl who just wanted to help.

"Second" the girl said regaining her attention "be careful who you make friends with, not everyone in this school has the best intention, don't trust anyone without cause" spiking Emerys interest, she interrupted "so why should I trust you."

"Because I mean you no harm, if I did then you wouldn't be hearing this from me" she said and shrugged her shoulder, not caring if Emery thought so or not.

"Fine, tell me the rest" Emery closed her mouth, and relaxed against the wall, prepared to here the last condition Anastasia was going to say "okay" her lips pursed together but she continued "there are six girls in this school, don't let them see you, don't let them know you, and stay the ever-loving fūck out of their way."

Emerys eyebrows knitted together and she froze, watching as Anastasia pushed away and started walking towards the tower. Her mind went fuzzy and she didn't move, only to slid down the wall.

Curiosity was the only emotion she had, whoever the group of six was, they didn't mean well for her but now she wanted to know why she shouldn't trust anyone at this school. With a wondrous expression she jogged towards the tower, nearly tripping over her shaky feet and caught up with Anastasia right at the door, flashing her a friendly smile deciding she could trust her enough to befriend her.

Anastasia offered a smile back, and held open the door for Emery to enter first and trailed in after her. As another friendly gesture, Anastasia sat in the seat next to her, each of the desks where in twos and they grinned at each other. It wasn't much of a start of friendship but if Anastasia was the only one she could trust then she could work with it.

Anastasia brows crinkled for a second and stared right at Emery "for a Scholarship girl your kinda good looking" that made her choke on air and look over at her partial friend "I find that offensive."

She obviously didn't care and shrugged her shoulders again, continuing to comment on little things "I mean your eyes are a little" she pinched her fingers together "and your mouth a little to plump" she looked thoughtful for a moment "like badly done lip fillers."

Emery let out a gasp, her hand reaching up and covering her lips, that was a new insult. She had heard from many people that her eyes where to far apart but her lips did not look like fucked up lip fillers. Maybe being friends with a rich girl meant she had to deal with the criticism "your hair" Anastasia sucked her teeth "it's actually not half bad."

Her hand reached out and grasped a piece in her hand, rubbing it between to fingers and then allowing it to drop back along with the the other strands "well it's not dead, though you could style."

Emerys lips turned downwards and she raised an eyebrow to see what other criticisms her, well, friend had to say about her "other then that your good" Anastasia said having enough of judging the new girl and turned towards her desk, gripping her hair with a frown.

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