C H A P T E R | F O U R

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Five people entered the room, the door blowing open in front of them and slamming against the brick wall startling almost all the students who where already in the room.

Emery raised her head to see who create that much noise and simply raised her brow at the people before slumping back into her arm. She expected the teacher to bark at them for the noise like he had done with previous students who did not expect the gust of wind. She glanced up to see the teacher speechless and biting his tongue, staying in his seat with his head down.

They each filed in, single file and began walking towards her row, even Anastasia straightened up and kicked Emery under the table, shooting her a glare. Emery rolled her eyes at her sorta friend antics and hid her face in the crook of her elbow, a yawn ripping through her. The kicks kept coming until they didn't.

Emery looked up, and moved her gaze towards her friend, watching how her eyes where wide and her back was 90 degrees. Letting out a snort at the site, she looked in front of her, coming eye to eye with a familiar white shirt. Her face twisted in confusion and allowing herself to take a few extra seconds to admire the girl before gazing up at her face "you must be new" the girls voice was smooth, and her hair fell down her back in curls.

Giving a nod to the girl she tried to lower her head again. A hand shot out a caught her chin in a steele grip and held it, Emery let out a noise of surprise and automatically tried to jerk her head away "answer" she asked staring right into her eyes, the girls narrowing slightly. Brushing her off, Emery coughed "I nodded my head, or are you blind" the entire class gasped.

Turning to glare at them for the over dramatization, but they weren't looking at her, they were looking behind her. Curiosity got the better of her and she turned her head back towards the front and let out a scream. The girls face was quite literally connected to hers, she was leaning in so close that their lips where only inches apart. Emerys head lurched back in surprise and she scooted her chair back, trying to make some space between the two.

"Every heard of personal space" the entire class started whispering, but it was loud enough she could hear parts of the conversation, and it was mostly about her. Emery tossed her hands up in annoyance and spun "Y'all if you are trying to talk about someone, make sure they can't hear you" and then tapped her ear, her mouth loosing it's natural smile.

Anastasia even scooted away from her, keeping her eyes trained on the girls, her pupils extremely fidgety as one of the girls gazes didn't stutter on her.

Emery rolled her eyes, thinking everyone at this school was incompetent and frowned at the people in front of her "I don't think you know this but schools in session and seeming as everyone's afraid of you, sit down so I can learn" each girl seemed a little taken back and shared a look between each other.

Thinking she one she relaxed into the back of her seat, watching as the girls walked down her side of the aisle. That wasn't the case.

Four hands went under her chair and rose her up, making her let out a scream of shock and clench her hands around the bottom part of the wood, holding tightly enough that her knuckles became white. They began walking her towards the door, as people in the class began snickering. Only one of the girls stayed back and her gaze was stuck on Anastasia who was trying to shrink into her seat away from the girl.

The girl only put on her best smile and sank into the seat next to her, kicking Emerys bag under a new chair that was placed.

The chair she was sitting on was dumped outside rhe classroom, three legs on the landed and one off, Emery teetered dangerously and she looked back to see the four conversing. Three with a blank stair and one was talking at the speed of light while making over exaggerated hand motions and pointing toward Emery.

One of the girls, the same girl who Emery was snarking at earlier rolled her eyes and walked towards the chair, giving a soft smile and pushed it a little.

Emery went first.

Her hands shot out in front of her and caught her body from hitting painfully into the stairs, and the chair clattered dangerously after her.

She was stopped by a railing, her entire body slamming into it and shaking the metal, the chair wasn't lucky and it tumbled right over the railing and hit the ground with a snap, sending shards of it all over the grass.

Three people high fives each other, while one stood awkwardly. She had to be directed inside by an arm on her shoulder and her head being held forward by one of the other girls.

With a groan and a throbbing pain in her arms and back, Emery stood up and cracked each aching bone, slowly descending down the steps.

She made it down without falling, but her ankle had its out heartbeat was she rested it against the ground to keep her upright.

Emery couldn't very well enter the school again, she was supposed to be in class and who knows if there were hall monitors here like at normal schools. She wasn't going to risk getting yelled at, so with whatever strength she could muster up she walked towards the back of the school with dignity.

There was a singular bench.

Emery walked towards it, did not sit on it but she relaxed into the wall, taking off the stupid shoes that this school made her wear and tossed them across the grass, watching as they bounced twice before seizing all movement.

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