Adam banks

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     Adam and I sat up against the headboard of his bed watching the sandlot. Everything started out normal, eating popcorn and having tiny discussions through the movie.
    "I still can't believe how mush Luis looks like Benny," I said popping a piece of popcorn into my mouth.
     "I can tell you that I don't see it," Adam squinted his eyes at the screen and tilted his head trying to find an angle at which the two look alike.
      I rolled my eyes at him, "they're both hot and everyone else says they look alike, I think you're going blind Banks."
     Adam did a double take and gave me a strange look, "you just called Luis hot, who are you?"
     I laughed, "hey! I have good taste."
     "Oh? You do, I had no clue. You're boyfriend seems like a ugly guy," Adam said confused.
     I was concerned for him sometimes, he doesn't understand what he's saying late at night. "Adam you insulted yourself."
     "And I'm fine with that just give me a kiss," I closed the gap to give his a small peck. He had other plans as his right hand found the back of my head and held me in place as we made out.
     His left hand found my thigh rubbing and squeezing it as he bit my bottom lip throughout the kiss.
     He grabbed my thigh hard and swung my leg over him, now straddling him, he broke the kiss to start kissing my jawline. Slowly he made his way from my jawline towards my ear, he started sucking and kissing under my ear.
     I couldn't help but whine at this move, he found my sweet spot, he kept kissing that spot and I kept making noises. He was gonna leave a mark and a big one too.
     "Adam," I moaned as he made his way to my collarbone kissing it all over. He stopped for a second taking off my tank top, and started kissing me again.
     Adam grabbed the sides of my waist with both hands and slowly started to move me over him. Back and fourth rubbing over him. He moaned into the kiss when I pressed my hips down harder, "baby don't tease me like that." He spoke into the kiss biting my lip afterwards, hard. "Then start taking off more clothes," I whine tugging at his shirt.
     He undid the back of my bra flipping us over afterwards, without taking the bra fully off. It now covers nothing, just lays there on top of my chest held by the straps. Adam grinds into me groaning, "god! That's so hot," he kept pressing his bottom half repeatedly into my bottom half.
     He felt so good grinding into me, "Adam," I whined reaching up to grab his hair. I pulled him by the hair on the top of his head down so his ear was at level with my mouth. "I need you so badly," I whispered in his ear bitting the earlobe afterwards.
     He slowly got off of me pulling my bra and pants off, doing the same to himself minus the bra. I moaned so loudly at the sight of him, "you're so hard babe." He got back onto me and slowly started kissing down my chest, when he got to my panties (that's so weird to write lmao) he hooked a finger from each hand into the sides and pulled them down teasingly.
     He threw them to the side, his hands reached out to my closed legs and started separating them. "Babygirl, your so wet, I wanna lick it all up," I moaned as he blew at my core. "Yes please," I said breathless, "eat me out Adam, please." He went to place his tongue on me but paused as the tip almost touched, "first you have to say the magic words, do it baby."
     "Daddy please," I dragged out the please, while moving trying to get any friction. He grabbed my hips and stuck his tongue into my core, I reached for his hair as he stuck a finger into me.
Slowly he added another finger, I was pulling his hair and moshing very loudly. "Adam," I moaned, "I'm so close." That was all I had to say before he slipped the fingers out of me and stopped his tongue. I whined at the lost, he climbed back over me and gave me a sweet kiss. Adam pulled off his boxer and revealed his hard on, "oh, you're so big and hard." I pushed my legs wider and shifted my hips up, indicating I needed him.
He rolled the condom on and slowly pushed into me. He stopped once he was halfway in, waiting for me to adjust. I gave him a short nod and he pulled out and back in, repeatedly.
Adam brought his lips to my ear, "you're so tight baby, it feels so good, yeah? My cock in you're tight pussy." I moaned as he whispered in my ear.
He sat back bringing my hips with his and start moving my by the hips onto his hard on. I was gripping the sheets, moaning at this new fast angle. He moved me back and fourth, his hands so tightly on my hips it was gonna bruise.
"Yes babygirl," he responded still pounding on not me.
"Fuck me from behind, daddy I want to be on my hands and knees," I whined.
He pulled out and I whined at the lost of his cock in me. I turned to my hands and knees arching my back ready to feel him in me at this angle. He pushed in so fast and hard I launched foward, he grabbed my hips pounding into me hard and fast. "Daddy, harder," I whined, he pounded into me even harder and a faster pace.
Adam reached for my hair and pulled me back so My back was pressed against his chest, his cock now slowly but hard was still pounding into me.
He shifted us turning to the side of his bed, facing the mirror on the wall. "Watch as my cock disappears into your pussy, watch as I fuck you babygirl, I bet watching makes you even more closer to your release. Your so tight, ugh," I was a moaning mess he knew how to get my so worked up.
    With one hand he reached up and grabbed my breast squeezing it hard, he kissed along my neck know that I was so close the releasing. "Adam, I'm so close."
     "Yeah? Do it, cum all over daddies cock," he whispered, his breathe lightly brushing against my neck. "Keep talking daddy please, god! You're so big."
    "Tell me baby, where do you feel me?" I pointed under my bellybutton. "Am I stretching up out, you're so tight, do you like it when I fuck you like this?" He spoke into my ear, "do you like watching my cock disappear in you."
     He started pounding into me harder, with each thrust hard and deeper, I was starting to feel my release. With one deep thrust I screamed as I came, I dropped down to my hands as Adam stayed in me looking for his release.
     "Adam, let me suck you off. I wanna taste you," he gave one final thrust and pulled out. He sat up against the headboard while I pulled his condom off, I licked the bottom side of his hard on slowly, listening to the noises he was making. I wrapped my mouth around his tip and started sucking,I wrapped my hand around the base jerking him off as my mouth worked at the top. When he came I crawled up to face him with the cum in my mouth swallowing it, letting his watch as it disappeared.
     Adam grabbed a hold of my chin with his hand and gave me a slow mesmerizing kiss, "you're so hot." He mumbled into my mouth, "you're re not to bad yourself," I smiled at him, "I'll gonna sleep now. I'm tried, goodnight," I was met with a snore instead of an answer afterwards.

didnt proof read

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