Meet Me!

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Hey! I'm Pheonix Gibson. I am exactly like a Pheonix. I was born 2 months before my actual date and I was expected to die, but! I rose back up. My birthday is 5/6. I am 16 years old. I currently live in a adoption center. My favorite is a tie between Fall Out Boy, Blink-182, and Artic Monkeys. I listen to alot more bands but, it would be a book. Honestly. I have my eyebrow, back dermals, septum, shark bites, dolphin bites, and Dahlia bites done. I'm looking forward on getting tattoos. I do have a phone. I have a brother named Adrien. He's a dick, I mean, 'swagger boy'. I don't go to school because, I'm to 'smart' for it. Well, bye!!!!


This is not ment to offend anyone! Ohh and dedicated to SugoiTopDogfor getting me back into fall out boy.

I'll Raise You Like A Pheonix (Adopted by Patrick Stump)Where stories live. Discover now