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Nobody's POV

She was born a beautiful baby girl.

He was born a handsome baby boy.

Her name was Cassiopeia Weasley, The French Mafia's Feisty Princess.

His name was Adrian Pucey, The British Mafia's Ruthless Prince.

She was one out of triplets out of ten kids.

He was the oldest of 2 children.

She grew up beautiful, feisty, loving, hot-headed and stubborn.

He grew up devilishly handsome, rude, hateful, stubborn and everyone's boss.

Her bright brown eyes shone bright. Her long dark auburn brunette waved in the wind beautifully. Her smile could brighten up anyone's day. She was the definition of an angel but was unpredictable when she got angry.

His dark hazel eyes were cold and scary. His mop of dark black hair was spiked, that how it should be. His smirk could send shivers down anyone's spine, unless he was seducing you. He was the definition of the devil.

She was ten when the French mafia met the British Mafia.

He was thirteen when his father invited the French Mafia for dinner at their home.

She was ten when she met Adrian, a rude, cute, smelly big boy.

He was thirteen when he met Cassiopeia, an innocent, ( or at least he thought she was innocent.) She was also beautiful, and a feisty little girl.

They were polar opposites.

But either way they became friends. Meeting up very often. She would go to his birthdays and he would go to hers.

They aged together but when Adrian's eighteen birthday came, she couldn't go.

When Cassiopeia turned fifteen, he never showed up.

Each thought that the other hated the other, that's why neither showed to the other's birthday.

But what they didn't know was that the dinner party fives years before was a decision that Cassiopeia would be the wife for Adrian, a unity of the British and French, without each others say. And on Adrian's eighteen birthday he was no longer allowed to see his future bride for in family traditions, it was forbidden.

Now it was time for Cassiopeia's eighteenth birthday, the day she would find out, like Adrian had three years earlier, they were destined to be wed, if they liked it or not.

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