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It was officially the worst day of my life

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It was officially the worst day of my life. I was awakened to my curtains being pulled back, allowing the sunlight to peer through them and drench me with its gleam.

"Goodmorning, Madeline!" the same lady who forced me to choose what I would like for the wedding, Charlotte, had chirped. I hated the sight of her big smile and bright eyes. She was more excited about the wedding than I was and maybe it was because she would walk away with a fat check while I was left with a disgusting creature of a man.

"Morning," I grumbled, throwing my blanket over my eyes. She began to hum to herself as she walked around my prison.

I could hear plastic wrapper rambling around. My curiosity pushed me to peek my head through the blanket where I noticed the woman had a beautiful white gown hanging on a rolling clothing rack.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"It's time for you to wake up. You're getting married today!" she cheered. I narrowed my eyes at the dress like it was my worst enemy. I didn't choose it, and I most certainly didn't want to wear it.

"I'm not," I said stubbornly as I threw the blanket back over my eyes. I was tired of Riccardo and dealing with this mess. Even if I had to walk down that alter no matter what, I was not planning on making it easy for him.

"You are. Get up unless you want me to go get Riccardo," she threatened.

Over the past couple of days, Riccardo had been getting more and more distant and cruel. I was grateful for the distance he provided between the two of us, but I hated the way he treated me as if I were some traitor.

Just yesterday he was in my room, but he was silent. He never said a thing. It was completely out of the ordinary. When I tried to tell him to get out, he would storm over to me and grab my neck where he made it so hard for me to breathe. I only hoped I wouldn't have a bruise on my neck from him.

"I don't care. Go get him. While you're at it, tell him I'm not marrying him." I smiled sarcastically. Even though I said it, it was the last thing I wanted her to do. He would hurt me, and for once in my life, I was terrified of Riccardo.

"Why are you behaving like this? You do realize that if I don't get you to cooperate, it's my life as well as my family's life on the line. He threatened me, okay? So please, Madeline, just get up so we can get you ready for this wedding," the lady pleaded. My smile slipped from my face as I looked down at the bed.

She knew exactly how to get me on my feet. I knew what it was like to undergo such feelings of fear due to Riccardo's threats. One thing I also knew was that he was capable of fulfilling his every sinful promise.

"Fine," I muttered, peeling the blanket off of my body, allowing the cool air to brush across my skin where goosebumps followed its trail.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed before making contact with the hard floor. I stood up and made my way over to the dress where I felt the fabric against the pads of my fingers. It was a very beautiful dress created for a very ugly situation.

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