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Engagement. Like a lot of women, I've always imagined getting engaged to someone I loved. I wanted to feel like a princess who was swept off her feet by her handsome prince. A fairytale that I've read about countless times before is what I truly craved. I guess I was foolish to believe in such a dream.

It was two weeks before my marriage. It was a marriage I didn't want, but I should've known my father was going to throw me to the beast. He's always craved power and pleasing his capo, but he never cared about losing me in the process.

My father was the underboss to the second most powerful Italian Mafia of the three. The Silicilano's had the biggest and most ruthless, second to them was Riccardo's father, the Mariani's. The last of the three was no one other than the Bianchi's, who had just gained a new capo. The previous capo didn't have a son, but he did have a daughter. I was positive that the daughter had to undergo everything I am currently going through. She had to marry someone who her father had seen worthy of the throne without choice. Just like me, her fairytale was pulled right beneath her feet.

I could still remember the day my father told me I was to wed the son of his boss. It should've been so obvious to me based on the way Riccardo began to act around me. He would stare at me during the 'family' events. He would touch me for far longer than I ever wanted him to. On that night when the news was first broken to me, my heart shattered. Riccardo wore a smirk on his face while his brother rolled his eyes in envy. It was only then, that I hated the life I lived.

Ever since that day, I had been forced to accompany Riccardo at every event. He always wore a smug look on his face as if I were some trophy he won. Every time he touched me, I could've sworn I threw up in my mouth. I hated him. Not just because he robbed me of my very beautiful fantasy, but because he was a monster who deserved nothing but to rot in hell.

"You must get dressed, Mrs. Mariani," one of the maids said quietly once she had stepped into my room. My room was supposed to be a beautiful thing until it turned into my prison. I wasn't allowed to leave unless Riccardo was with me. I wasn't even allowed to sleep until he bid me goodbye.

"Do not call me that ever again," I growled out. She flinched back, leaving my shoulders to sag and my frown to deepen. Letting out a sigh, I pointed towards the door. "Please leave me be."

She sat the dress down on my bed before quickly walking out of my prison. A click from the door had signaled that the maid had locked it as she left. With clenched fists, I got up from my bed. Every minute I spent in this room, the more insane it drove me.

When I picked up the dress, a note fell to the floor. I narrowed my eyes pointedly before picking it up.

'Look nice tonight, my love. Many of our enemies will be at this ball tonight.

-Your Husband'

"Kiss my ass," I muttered under my breath.

I gripped the piece of paper and ripped it into many little pieces. He was purposefully taunting me, and it was obvious. If only he knew his taunts only kindled my hatred to burn like a fire. There was nothing to extinguish it except for his blood and maybe even my father's blood.

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