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Dear Harmony,

   Nina asked about you today. I didn't know what to tell her. She was understanding at first, until she poured my second mug of coffee. Then she demanded answers again. I'm not sure what came over me, but I broke down and yelled at her, leaving that shop in a terrible state.

   I almost got hit by a bus because the snow was swirling so thickly from the sky and I was too lost in my head to pay attention to where I was going.

   Now I'm worried Nina won't serve me coffee anymore. She was always so fond of us—more so you than me. Harmony, why did I have to snap? I was always so patient until...

   Why don't you just come home and get coffee with me? We could make amends with Nina. And I wouldn't have to do it alone.

Dear HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now