Chapter 1: Trenchcoat curiosities

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The loneliness; how long had it taken for it to set in this time? He couldn’t remember the last time that he laughed. It had been ages or so it seemed. Maybe in one timeline it had only been a day, even an hour, but in another it had been years. He wasn’t so sure anymore. He was starting to think that his ultimate curse was an endless life of loneliness. Oh, he tried to fill in the holes with the companions from earth that he has grown so fond of. There had been so many. But the three most recent were the ones on his mind the most tonight.

The doctor opened the Tardis doors, and looked out at the forever starry night sky. He leaned against its frame and listened for any noise, other than the beating of his own two hearts…but there was nothing. Even the Tardis was unusually quiet.

He crossed his arms and took in the brightly lit velvet backdrop, before sighing and turning back to run the Tardis.

“Right, well, what sort of adventure awaits us now?” He asked the empty room as he flipped on switches, his face pensive and trying to think where it was that he wanted to go now. The adventures usually found him, and Donna, Martha, or Rose. He stood in the silence once more as he remembered the friends he had grown so fond of. Some more than others, but all held their own places in his hearts.

A few moments passed as he continued to pull random levers and certain buttons that would set his ship in motion through time and space, when all the sudden, he heard a brush of what sounded like wings. He looked around the Tardis, unsure of what it was that he had heard, or what it is he should expect. There, in front of the Tardis doors was a figure standing with his back to him, wearing a trench coat that seemed to resemble his own. ‘How in the…..’ he wondered as his face took on a confused state as the man turned around and looked at him.

“What?” he wondered, thinking back to when Donna had shown up the same way all those months ago. “What?!” he exclaimed a second time, trying to process what was happening “Why does this keep happening?!”

“Who are you?” The doctor asked as he walked around the middle of the Tardis to meet the man still standing in the same spot, clearly just as confused as he was.

“I’m Castiel, angel of the Lord.” He said without looking at the Doctor.  He was taken aback by the inside of the Tardis. “What is this place?” He looked at the doctor, his blue eyes piercing even the darkest skies.

“This is the Tardis, MY Tardis. ” He clarified. “Where did you come from?”

“I’m an angel of the Heavenly Hosts! ”

“Yes, I got that the first time, but it doesn’t explain how you got aboard.” The doctor said as he started to walk a circle around him. Curiosity and irritability etched their way across his face. “This has happened before, but that can’t possibly-“ he said without finishing his sentence as he took a device out of his coat pocket.

The angel didn’t take too well to it. He pulled out a long sleek silver sword the moment the doctor pulled out his screw driver. “Stand down!” Castiel said in a cool calm voice with enough authority to command an entire Sontoran fleet.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” The doctor said in a quiet voice, his eyes locked on the sword. He hated weapons.  “It’s nothing…” He said as he held up the screwdriver, twisting and pulling on it to show that it was harmless. “Weapons don’t do much to fix things. I’d much rather be a fixer than a destroyer with a sword, or any weapon for that matter.”

Castiel sheathed his weapon but still not completely trusting this character. “Destroying things isn’t everything they say it is,” Castiel said simply, a glimmer of something haunting flashing across his blue eyes.

“No, I should think not, trust me, I’ve been at that end of that sword as well.” The doctor said as he held the screw driver over him and scanned him. Castiel eyeing the piece as it made a quick whirring sound. “Well, you didn’t get here the same way a friend of mine did a few months ago.” He said as he put the screwdriver back in his pocket.

“Where is your friend now?” Castiel asked.

“At home with her family.” He looked up at Castiel and smiled sadly. “Though I’m sure if she knew it she’d rightly have my head for it. ” He smiled at what seemed to be a memory that crossed his mind.

“Who are you?” Castiel interrupted his thoughts.

The doctor looked at him with a look of happiness even if it was for a moment. He moved around to the center of the Tardis where he was standing before. “I’m the Doctor!” he proudly exclaimed.

“The doctor of what?” Castiel asked confused

He smiled, “That is a good question.” not a question he gets asked much, he thought.  “Well, Castiel, Angel of the Lord, where should we be going?” he said as he started messing with the switches on the board again.

Castiel walked up the stairs towards the doctor. “I need to find Sam and Dean Winchester. I was on my way to them, when your craft intercepted me.”

“I see, “The doctor said as he looked at him. “So earth?”

Castiel nodded, “Lebanon Kansas.”

“Kansas!” The doctor exclaimed with abounding joy, “I’ve never been to Kansas before!” He said as they began to take off. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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