Chapter Fourteen

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Madelyn's Pov
"Hey Felix baby, if I decided to be a stripper how would you react?"

"I'd throw money respectfully and support you babe why?" I held back some laughter that tried to leave me, a very hard snort echoing from me, swiping my pen to make a little mental note, across the note pad moving to run my free hand all through his hair loosely.

"I'm just curious and bored I went around asking everyone and some responses were funny." I answered watching him grinning at his phone before he shifted his eyes up to gaze up at me looking interested.

"I wanna hear, I wonder if we all have the same thoughts connected to a brain cell." He wondered out loud brushing his fingers tips across his freckles a few times. His eyes rounded with wonder still gazing at me.

"So Chan was working on songs when he answered this, but he said if I can join you and spin on the pole. Changbin said hell no, the pole is for us. Han said what kind of stripper, Seungmin stared at me and said if he could film me doing tricks, Jeongin and Hyunjin said no but that they don't mind. Then Minho kinda just stared in disbelief and said a real stripper? What if they throw pennies at you." Felix coughed roughly a loud laugh leaving him, his head tossed back resting onto the pillows spread around on the floor.

"Wow no brain cells connected at all, we all respect you because you are a good noona, we don't mind what you do as long as you are comfortable." He grinned up at me. I rolled my eyes playfully just to gently squished his nose pinching it, causing him to whine loudly. Swatting at my hands quickly.

"Abuse woman." He chuckled grabbing my hand pressing a few short kisses across my palm, making me wiggle my fingers watching him with a soft smile.

"Babe! We don't have any orange juice!" I glanced up watching Hyunjin poke his head to stare at me, small huffs leaving his mouth.

"Hyunjin, there's orange in there sweetie I promise, I just bought some." I chuckled trying to reassure him, watching him tuck his hair away and behind his ears a few times quickly.

"Orange juice is gross anyway!" Felix exclaimed after him.

"Your face is gross!"

"Hyunjin, Felix both of you shut up!"

"Sorry Hyung!"

"So production is gonna be a little longer today but It should go by quicker, I kinda can't wait for Kingdom to end." I was gesturing around speaking with the other noonas and production teams. I was a little worried since recently I was promoted to stylist as well.

A lot of people didn't realize that job was a little difficult you always had to have extra sets of the same clothes since sweating was a prone occasion in clothing, makeup spilling on the outfits, some not fiting.

Let alone hair getting messed up. You always had to be on your toes. I arranged my facemask a bit tugging it to rest on my chin a little.

"Felix and Changbin are gonna need a new set can you go get them for me Yora?" She gave me a head nod and a small salute causing me to chuckle, I spun around tugging my jacket around me closer to stop the chills running through me moving around backstage was long.

"Hey Maddie? You are running wild again, maybe you should rest beautiful. " I tensed spinning around forcing a smile at Byulhyung. He wasn't a bad guy, just he flirted a little too much for my liking for a production camera man.

"Me? No I'm okay, I've been well working with them for a few years now." I laughed nervously, shifting making the two puff balls on my head bounce a little in place I reached for my water bottle to drink from, cooling myself down hearing him scoff shaking his head.

"No you should be resting, even staff need rest... You know you never took me on the offer to go get some drinks one night? Come on a girl like you still living here in Korea, you aren't gonna have a man anytime." Figures that men are the same everywhere , just rude and mean for no reason at all.

"Byulhyung, I've told you that dating isn't really a top priority." I lied straight to him, the boys were always my first thought but he didn't need to know that.

"Noona~" A small squeak tore through me feeling someone back hugging me, I recognized the scent instantly as Changbin.

"Oh hey binnie what's the matter. " I asked, he was so tall, squeezing me and hugging me happily liking I could feel him staring at Byulhyung closely.

"We were looking for you noona we need to do dress change." His head then rested on my shoulder swaying me a bit "Sorry I need my noona, maybe next time. She doesn't really do dates with guys like you."

I held back the loudest laugh Changbin back hugging me still walking away with me his head still resting in place on my neck. "You were so jealous Changbin."

"I was not! I just saved you, you should be like thank you Binnie, and give me all the love and praises. I look so scary too with my resting bitch face." I snickered quietly rubbing at his arms gently.

"Thank you Binnie."

"You are welcome be lucky it was me and not Chan, or Han."

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