I Love You Too

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The ballroom music played until everyone was done waltzing with their partners. And left the room, leaving only Alice with the brothers' and Karlheinz.

She had a wonderful time with the Sakamaki, Tsukinami, Mukami brothers and Kino.

However, that peace only lasted for a few more minutes.

An uninvited guest made it's appearance.

"Creepy bitch! Stop flirting and stop touching my men!! You slut, die!!!!!!" Yui yelled as she ran towards Alice and attempted to slash her with a small silver dagger she got out of nowhere.

Make note that the keyword is tried.

"Nee-sama, you finally made it to my birthday! What took you so long?" Alice asked as she stopped the dagger from injuring her with her hand.

'How did she, a human, stop a dagger from touching her?' The brothers and their father asked themselves as they stared in awe and amusement.

"Y-you! How dare you stop me!!!"

"You're truly amusing nee-sama!" Alice kicked her sister with a crazed look on her face. "You don't stand above me," she said as she looked down at Yui who was now on the ground crouching in pain.

Alice took her axe out and slashed off her dear elder sister's first two fingers.


"Your yells of pain really excite me~ Ahhh~ scream more!"

'A sadist~' Laito thought as he licked his lips.

After a few minutes of hearing Yui's ugly screaming, she suddenly spoke as she glared at her younger sister, "y-yo-you're c-crazy!" Yui panted and stuttered because of the amount of blood she was losing.

Alice's smile suddenly dropped, "hmm? You think I'm crazy? That rude, you can't just call someone crazy without any evidence~" she pouted as the 13 men and Karlheinz sweat dropped, but smirked.

"EVIDENCE?! Y-you cut my fingers off!!"

"That isn't evidence, that's just common sense. Anyone can see that I cut your fingers off. It doesn't make me a monster or a crazy person, I just defended against myself since you were about to stab me with that dagger," Alice explained as she pointed towards the silver dagger on the ground next to Yui.

"Yeah! It doesn't make Ali a monster! You're just accusing her!" Yuma fumed angrily.

"Your manners are deplorable, scum," Reiji glared at Yui.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" Yui yelled at her sister and continued.


That made the men stifle out a laugh.

"Hahaha! You think she seduced us? She didn't even lay a move on us! You're the one who tried to seduce us, but who in their right mind would choose you," Ayato stated as his half and adopted brothers agreed.

"Karl-chan, what does 'seduced' mean?" She asked innocently which made the men gasp.

'She doesn't know the meaning of the word?!'

"W-well it means that you flirt with people using sexual activities," he explained as Alice just widened her eyes.

"When did I ever do that?" She asked.

"You didn't, your sister is just accusing you. Pay it no mind, but we really must get rid of her," Karlheinz said.

"We should I just kill her!" Kino and Subaru said.

"No! That's too easy! Torturing her would be much better!" Shin yelled as Yuma nodded.

She pondered for a bit before talking, "auctioning her to perverts? I've met one recently."

He clapped his hands and smirked at her idea, "wonderful idea Alice, but we will take about that one pervert later."

"Yes, do tell us where you saw this pervert and what he did so we can speak with him," Carla smiled darkly.

"Okay~!" She replied excitedly as Karlheinz called the guards over to take Yui away and sell her to perverted people in an auction.

"Yes, your majesty!" the guards saluted.

Alice's elder sister screamed loudly, making her pant heavily, "NOOOOOO!!! LET GO!! YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME, I AM THIR BRIDE!!!"

"Mortal, when did I every say that you were to marry my sons? You are not the bride, you are the sacrificial bride. Your sister, Alice, is the real bride and not a sacrificial bride. Keep that in mind. Now guards, leave and do as I said and if I hear her speak one more word, kill her on the spot," Karlheinz glared as the guards trembled, but bowed and left from his sight.

"Since the nuisance is finally gone, it's time for you to pick who to marry, to succeed the throne, Alice."

All the brothers' waited in expectancy of who she will select.

"What's the use of picking one?" she started.

'Oh?' Karlheinz thought amused of what she would say next.

"Can't I pick all of them?" she tilted her head.

"There isn't anything wrong with that. In fact, it's a unique idea. Very well! From this day on, Alice is engaged to the Sakamaki, Mukami, Tsukinami brothers, and Kino!"

"Princess! We....love you," Kanato and Azusa said bashfully as the others snickered and confessed their feelings to her directly.

"I love you!" they all exclaimed, blushing slightly as well.

Alice chuckled gently and showed them the most gentle smile that they've ever seen.

The next words that she came out of her mouth, a truck a heat in each of their hearts

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The next words that she came out of her mouth, a truck a heat in each of their hearts.

"I love you too!"

Author: I finally finished the story!! I apologize if the chapter was short, I didn't have a lot of good ideas so, I'm really sorry.

But I hope that with all my heart, you enjoyed my story!


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