Chapter 2 - Sometimes Rocks are Great

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"We're very happy to have you... Luck."
12 years after

"Hehe.. time for my grand plan!" A young girl with short brown hair stood beside an opened door. Outside she could see the stars glittering throughout the sky, the moon right in the middle.

Tonight she had the urge to explore and felt like she'd lose the feeling in the morning. Mother warned her of the dangers of the forest but Luck's 'perfect' solution to counter these problems was to take her dad's hunting bow with her. She had no idea how to use it, yet it still made her feel safer

Now, without looking back at the house she dashed off into the forest, eager to find some goodies hidden in the depths of the trees. Luck had heard stories from her father about the many riches you could find in treasure chests hidden over Teyvet.

Perhaps if she found one of the rumoured chests she could give it to her parents and they could live a better life. She'd always been told that mora could make everything easier, and was hoping to make them super duper proud of her! The thoughts of happy faces kept swarming her mind as she stepped over broken branches and roots while dragging her father's bow

The thoughts of endless riches and toys did seem quite great in the child's mind

"Imagine if we can get a nice, big house in a village.. oh! Imagine having alllll the food we want!" Luck's smile never seemed to falter, even when she tripped on a few stray roots

Suddenly, the ground no longer existed in front of her. A large a hole, a cavern, hollowed out a section were it just left darkness

"Phew, lucky I didn't fall in!" She scanned the edges through squinted eyes so she could see her next path

Just as she turned away, something rustled in the bushes. Luck turned her green stare towards the sound and saw something glint in the darkness

Panic. She hadn't felt panic before. Sadness, anger, guilt; she'd felt all that before but never the sheer fear and panic she felt as something furry and large crept out from it's hiding place

"W-wolf.." Luck didn't want to scream and anger the wolf, and she already knew she couldn't nock an arrow. She definitely couldn't run faster than it, mother always told bedtime stories of a big bad wolf to scare her into sleeping.

She started thinking of all those time her parents told her to listen to them, even when she didn't want to. Perhaps if she listened, Luck wouldn't have had to face her death as a young child.

Her eyes were wide as she stepped back, but the floor wasn't there anymore and she remembered the hole from not too long ago. This time she couldn't help the scream that came from her mouth as she fell.

Down she went like a falling branch

Thud. The brown haired girl hit the ground and gasped. Her back hurt. Her throat hurt from screaming. She could still see the stars twinkle from the sky.

The bow she carried with her snapped when it hit the ground, only being held by the piece of string.

As Luck's eyes adjusted to the darkness, she glanced around at the cave she landed in. There were no other paths and the cavern was mostly oblong in shape. She contemplated climbing up using the walls, but they slowly sloped inwards when they reached the top

She curled up and hugged her knees, shivering in the cold. She wished her mother and father were here to help her..

No! I'm a big girl now! I can do this myself! From the bottom of the cavern she could still see the roots from the trees from the surface. A lot of them twisted their ways down the side, some barely sticking into the rocky wall. If she had a way to somehow dig out a fraction of the wall she might be able to dislodge a section of roots

Luck looked down at her father's broken Bow. She picked it up and tested using a pointy end to wack the wall. Sure enough, loose rubble fell off where she hit.


The light of dawn crept over the horizon. Down in the cavern, a young girl was struggling to crawl out of the hole using the roots she managed to dig out of the wall. Some had been too heavy or think, but some were kind of easy to pull out. Only some actually stayed intact when Luck started climbing though.

Her head peeped over the top of the edge, covered with mud and scratches. She still held the broken weapon in her hands, too determined to leave it behind is that dark cave.

The light touched her eyes and she had to squint as she lifted herself over and back onto stable ground. The wolf was no longer there

"Luck! Luck, where are you?! Luck!!?" The said girl could hear the panicked cries of her parents. Guilt filled her as she realised how scary it would've been to wake up and find their daughter missing in the middle of the night.

She dragged the bow behind her as she ran as fast as she could back home, tears of relief streaming down her face. From a distance she could see her house

"Luck! Oh my archons, where the hell were you?! We were scared out of our minds when you weren't in your bed!" Luck's mother immediately bent down to wipe the dirt of her face, while her daughter just smiled widely with puffy eyes.

She didn't find any special treasure chest, but she was kinda glad she got to see the outside for a bit. Scary as it was, it was mostly fun.

"Mummy, I'm sorry. I tried to find lots of treasure so we could all live happily in a huge house! But I fell in a big cave... I'm tired now..." The girls eyes fluttered shut as her tiredness took over. The last thing Luck saw was the glint of something in her hands she hadn't realised she'd been holding.

"Goodnight.. mummy... Daddy..."

Her dad gently pulled the object out of her hand to take a better look at what his daughter found

"Umm, honey?" Hope looked over when her husband called her, still cradling Luck

"I think Rex Lapis was impressed by something our daughter did.." he held out the orb Luck had been holding, barely holding back the grin on his face

It was a vision, one of geo. It was said Rex Lapis gave a vision to those he found hardworking and determined, as a way of admiration.

Both parent's eyes shine with pride. They had been worried sick at Luck's disapperence, and she had managed to find her way back with a vision no less

Hope took her inside, while Theo put the orb back in Luck's hand


A little back story about our Luck

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