Chapter 4

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I  grabbed my pack and got out the supplies I needed, which consisted of a sterilized needle and string already together so I could stitch it up, a cleaning cloth, alcohol to get off all the blood and gauze. "Look away. This is going to be nasty." I say and take a swig of the alcohol before pouring it on my arm and hissing in pain. I grab the needle and quickly work on stitching my now nub of an arm before tying the string off and cutting it. I grab a cleaning cloth and wipe off any blood I missed and wrap my arm in gauze. I put the stuff away. I look at the boys and get up. "Ok I'm done let's go before she finds us." I say taking a drink of the water I brought, offering some to the boys before we make our way into the forest.

We come across a totaled car and a broken helmet. "Stay here." Zach say but Gay and I follow anyways. We make our way to a building I recognize as the old park. We walk through the door and with my hand I grab a bone from the floor and a banner. "You still have those matches?" I hear Zach ask Gray and he lights the banner on fire. We continue walking through the building. We see a picture of a velociraptor that looks like Hemera on the wall. I continue walking with Zach following me. "Gray!" He calls after his brother and he comes running after us. I walk into an open part of the building and see old jeeps. I sit down on the floor and sigh.

"1992 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, Sand Beige." Gray says and I smile.

"You remember when we fixed up Grandpa's old Malibu, right?" Zach asks Gray and I watch the exchange going on.

"Yeah." Gray responds looking at his brother. I realize they are going to fix it and stand up.

"I'm going to get the battery from the broken car, I'll be right back." I tell them.

"Are you sure you can do it by yourself or should Gray go with you in case?" Zach asks. I scoff and pull out two walkie talkies.

"If I need help I'll tell you." I say and walk out and run to the Car and with much difficulty, get the battery from the car one handed and carry it back with much trouble. "Here" I say, handing it to Gray. I sit back down and grab the alcohol from my bag, taking a drink to numb the pain in my arm.

"You think it's out there?" Zach asks and I see Gray look at him terrified. "I mean, I know for a fact it is definitely not out there, all right?" He says and I look at him.

"And I know 100% for sure she isn't around, I would hear her thoughts." I say to the Two younger boys.

"What do you mean Kron?" Gray asks.

"I have a secret talent, I can hear what the dinosaurs are saying. I can talk with them." I explain. "Nobody but you two, Claire and Owen know" I tell them, closing my eyes and taking a nap while they finish fixing it. I hear the engine start and look at them. "Go, I'll find my way back. I have a feeling I need to stay. Just go if you need to use the walkie talkie and contact me." I tell them and they nod at me and Zach gives me his hoodie.

"You'll probably get cold in that outfit. Take this." He says. I nod and put it on and they leave.

Soon after the boys leave I see Claire and Owen and run straight for them. I hug Claire as tight as I can with only one arm. I start crying and hug her tighter. "Thank god you're ok. I didn't know if you were ok or not. I was so worried." I told her. I run, over to Owen and hugged him. "You too, we may not talk alot but I still care. I was worried." I tell him I let him go and wipe both cheeks with my hand before walking back a bit.

"Wait a minute, Kron, what's wrong with your other arm?" Owen asks. I look down and unzip Zachs hoodie and push it off my left shoulder showing them my stubb.

"Kámo bit off my arm when I jumped down the waterfall. The boys are unharmed but I am not." I tell them and we hear the thundering footsteps of Kámo. We hide behind the old jeep and Kámo sniffs the air and tries to move the jeep before backing out and slamming into the opposite wall causing it to break. We run the opposite way and I hand the two a walkie talkie before saying. "I have to find the boy if you need to contact me or the boys you can use it." I run away from them and find the boys driving to the gate and hop in the jeep while they are driving.. "Kyle, Jeff let us in!" I shout at the guards. I yell seeing the pterodactyls coming up behind us.

Once we are in the park we run and I page Owen. "Owen, Claire I'm with the boys, we are in the park, where are you, Over!?" I shout into the walkie talkie.

"We are coming to meet you, stay with them, we will be there soon. Over." Claire says. We meet with Zara and start running.

"Stop running! Wait." She says and we stop looking around and see a pterodactyl coming towards us and I pull Gray back. "Don't just stand there! Go! Get inside now!" Zara says before a pterodactyl picks her up and I see it drop her in the mosasaurus tank. The mosasaur comes up and eats her and the pterodactyl. We continue running and I see people shooting at the pterodactyls.

"Zach! Gray! Kron!" Claite yells and I look around.

"Aunt Claire! Go, go!" Zach says pushing us. I see a pterodactyl get shot and is coming for us. The boys fall and I, fall in front of Gray. The pterodactyl's sharp beak stabs into my cheek leaving a gaping hole in its wake and causing me to cry out in agoy. I hear a gunshot and see Claire shoot a Pterodactyl that was attacking Owen. I quickly ran to him, not caring about the blood dripping down my face.

Claire runs to Zach and Gray while I stop in front of Owen. "Than-" before I could even get the word out Owen had put his lips against mine and kissed me. I kissed back almost instantly. I break away and look at him.

"Your cheek. Do you have anything to fix it? I nod, and pull my bag off my back. I pull out medical tape, gauze, cleaning cloths, needle and string that is, already together and the alcohol. I lean my head away from my body and pour the alcohol on my cheek to wash away the blood and hiss slightly. I hand Owen the needle and he stitches up my cheek quickly. He takes the cleaning cloth and wipes away the extra blood before he puts on the gauze and tape to hold it. We walk up to Claire and the boys and Owen speaks, "Hey. We gotta go." Owen says we all nod. We start walking and Claire calls Lowery.

"Lowery, I'm on my way back to you." Claire says and is silent for a few seconds before she says, "What do you mean "use the Raptors"?" I look at Owen who looks back at me pissed.

"Son of a bitch!" We both speak at the same time.

"You shouldn't say "bitch." Gray says.

I look at Claire before saying, "Take the kids.
Get them someplace safe." Before noticing the now stamped of tourists running from a pterodactyl. We get into a jeep and the kids yell at Owen to drive and he hides us in a little crevice.

"Can we stay with you?" Gray asks.

"I am never leaving you as long as you live." Claire responds to him, and both boys respond at the same time.

"No, them. Yeah, definitely them." They say referring to me and Owen. Once it's clear we drive to where the two raptor cages are.

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