Chapter 5

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Once we arrive at the cages I see Hoskins. I'm the first out of the car and the first one near him.

"The mother hens have finally arrived." He says and I punch him in the face. Owen comes up next to me, punches him as well and I punch him again knocking him to the floor.

"Get the hell out of here and stay away from our animals." I growl out at Hoskin's, finally showing that I am part dinosaur for the first time.

"Hoskins, you wanted this to happen, you son of a bitch!" Claire says to him not looking away from my now shifting body. *Let me explain, I can speak to dinosaurs because when I was here with my younger sister she was carrying around my water and accidentally spilled a whole vile, of raptor DNA into my water and I drank it. So now I can shift into a whole raptor and talk to all dinosaurs. While in raptor form I can either talk in my normal voice or my raptor voice.* I stand up fully shifted and growl at Hoskins.

"Jesus!" He says scared before collecting himself. "How many more people have to die before this mission starts to make sense to you?" He says.

"It's not a mission. It's a field test." I bark out at him and step forward. Owen puts his hand on me and I calm down.

"This is an InGen situation now. Okay, there are gonna be cruise ships that show up here at first light. Everybody's gonna get off this island. You're gonna watch a news story
tomorrow about how you all saved lives. No, better yet, how your animals saved lives. How you Kron for whatever reason saved lives." He says. I make a link with Owen in my mind since he is the alpha. 'My girls will listen, I will lead with you. I stand by your decision.

"They've never been out of containment. It's crazy." Barry says.

"Let's move it out! This is happening! With or without you." Hoskins says and Owen nods at me signaling he is going to do it.

I stand in raptor form next to Owen in a room and nobody would come near me causing me to let out a sound to indicate a chuckle. "We know that she is in sector five. This is a game we call hide-and-seek. It's a scent drill. We've done it about a thousand times with these animals. When they get on target, and they will get on target, wait to engage. Velociraptors are pack hunters. They like to herd the animal into a kill zone. That's when we take our shot. Get a clear shot, wait on my command, and give her everything you got. We got one good target, gentlemen. Do not shoot our Raptors. Please. For all things holy don't shoot Kronosaurus. She may look like a raptor now but that's really your co worker." I say.

"Easy blue. Easy. Attagirl. You dont scare me." I push my nose against blue before rubbing up against Owen. Who by the way is my mate.

"Are they safe?" Gray asks in a soft voice.

"No, no they're not." Owen says, patting my head.

"What are their names?" Zach asks this time.

"Well, you got Krons two, Nyx and Hemera and then you got mine. That one is Charlie, there's Echo, here is Delta and that one's Blue she's the beta." Owen explains.

"Who's the Alpha?" Zach asks.

"You're looking at him, kid." Owen says and I nudge him playfully.

"Who's that one that's not caged up?" Gray asks and I walk up to him and give a creepy smile.

"Don't be spooked, Kronosaurus can shapeshift into a raptor. So you're looking at Kron right now." Owen says and I groan and let out a huff.

"Way to kill the fun Owen." I say and run up on Zach and Gray to say hi. I watch them walk away with Claire before shifting back into human form and hugging Owen tightly.

"Hey what's wrong?" Owen asks, hugging me back.

"I need to get this off my chest now. I'm in love with you owen. I've been in love with you since I first started working here.” I told him honestly. “And just in case I don't make it out of this alive just know that you're my mate, or that's what my dino part says.” I told him and let go. “Come on, we gotta go.” I say letting go and shift back to my raptor form. I run with the girls after they catch the scent and begin to slow down.

“They're slowing down.”

“They got something.” Owen says when Kamo walks towards us. She starts talking to all the girls and I widen my eyes at her proposal of letting her be the alpha instead of a human. I look at my girls who are backing away from the others and towards me. 

“Something's wrong.”

“They're communicating. I know why they wouldn't tell us what it's made of.” Owen says, raising his gun again.


“That thing's part Raptor.” Owen says, looking at me and my girls.

“Engage!” Someone yells and the other five raptors change allegiances. They run off and I run to Owen, my girls following me.

“Watch your six. My Raptors got a new alpha.”Owen says and all hell breaks loose. I go and start fighting Kamo when she throws me into a tree. I fall to the floor and shift back seeing blue stalking towards me.

“Blue, I know you don't know me but I'm Kronosaurus. I can speak to you, I know what Kamo promised seems nice but I know her, she's only doing it for her benefit. She doesnt care and she will kill you in an instant.” I tell her she looks at me and I sigh. I wait for my death and slowly open my eyes to see her run off and for my girls to come to me. Nyx helps me up and puts me on Hemeras back leading me out of the woods.

We get to a main road and I see the boys in a van and see Owen join my side. I slowly lift myself to sit up and groan, holding my ribs. We all suddenly stop and I get down with the help of owen. “We gotta get indoors. Follow me.” Owen says and I lean onto him.

“Lowery, we're headed your way. Call in a chopper.” Clair says and I grunt the girls following behind.

“Come on, come on. Go inside. Control room. That way.”Clair says, directing the boys while I limp following behind and the girls close behind. “They evacuated the lab. What are you doing?” Claire asks and I grunt standing full height.

“I'm afraid that's above your pay grade, honey.” Hoskins says and I growl at him.

“Where's Henry?” Claire asks and I breath in shakily.

“Dr. Wu, he works for us.” Hoskins says and I growl.

“That's not a real dinosaur.” Grey says and I look at hoskins bewildered.

“No, it ain't, kid. But somebody's gotta make sure that this company has a future. Imagine, that one, a fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology. A living weapon unlike anything we've ever seen. You see… Millions of years of evolution, what did we learn? Nature is the gift that just…” He explains when Delta bursts into the room. “Shit! Easy. Easy, boy. Easy. Hey, hey. We're on the same side, right? Right? Easy. I'm on your side.” He says when delta bites his arm killing him afterwards. All of us run out of the room and the girls run behind ready to defend us.

“No, boys. Boys, this way, Come on. Come on. Come on.” Claire says and we exit the building being intercepted by blue. Delta and Charlie follow and we are trapped, the girls growling at them.

“That's how it is?” Owen asks Blue and reaches to take the camera off her head. “Easy. Easy.” He says and she growls at him. “Easy. That's it.” he says and Blue looks at him adoringly. Kamo comes around the corner and demands that they kill us. Blue looks at Owen and says she loves him. She then defies Kamo and she angrily throws her against the building. Delta and Charlie growl and Owen whistles and they attack. Me, Claire and the boy run as I tell the Girls to help the others.

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