Hᴀᴘᴘʏ Bɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ Tᴏ Mᴇ

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Eden's POV:
Karl came into my room holding a small plate with a cupcake on top of it with a candle in the middle of it. He walks over to my bed and sits on the edge. "Make a wish!" I blow out the candles as I make a wish. I smile and Karl wishes me a happy birthday I smile and start to take the plate from him.

He takes the plate back a and says, "No, its midnight and I'm not letting you eat a cupcake. You can have it tomorrow morning." I laugh and Karl leaves to go bring the cupcake down stairs. I crawl back under my blankets and fall asleep. I couldn't believe I was finally 17.

I woke up to see my room decorated and everyone standing around me. I smile and they all start singing happy birthday. I sit there awkwardly until they are done. We all headed downstairs to get some breakfast. Karl said he has a lot planned for today so I have to get ready fast. I quickly eat and go back up to my room. I got dressed and checked my phone. My mom was calling me. "Happy birthday Eden," she said cheerfully, "I can't believe my little girl is 17!" I laugh and thank her for the birthday wishes.

She continues to talk and she told me something that made my stomach turn. "Eden, Karl has a lot of stuff going on right now so your father and I believe you should come back home. You will still see Karl on holidays but he needs some space." I didn't want to argue with her but she was right. Karl does need some space. She ends the call a couple minutes later and my phone starts to ring again. 'Logan' popped up on my screen. I hesitantly answered my phone.

"Hey, happy birthday!" I thanked her and we didn't have anything to talk about so I said I had to go. I hung up before she could say goodbye and went downstairs. I saw Karl and he seemed upset. He looks at me and wiped the tears from his eyes.

He hugged me and gave me my cupcake from last night. I ate the cupcake and Quackity started to get impatient. "Soooo, what are we doing today?" Karl quickly goes to his room to get something. Sapnap looks to see if Karl's gone and hands me a bag. "You guys didn't have to get me anything," I begin to say as Dream cuts me off. "Yes we did. Its your birthday." I slowly start to remove the tissue paper from the top of the bag.

I pull out a hoodie from the bottom of the bag. I unfold it and a smile grows large on my face. They got me a plain black hoodie but on the front it had a little embroidered Minecraft flower. I thank them over and over again. Karl comes back holding a little wrapped present. He hands it to me and I unwrap it. I open the little box its in and smile. I pull out a necklace that has my initials on it. I look at Karl and he's wearing a necklace with his initials. I give him a hug and the door bell rings.

Karl goes and opens the door. We all make our way over to the door and Jimmy, Chandler and Chris are standing at the door. "Happy birthday!" they all say in unison. I smile and thank them. They stay and talked to Karl for a bit and then left. We all went outside into the backyard and I realised it was almost 3. I wanted to stream around 6 so Karl thought we should eat soon.

I decided to eat Chinese food as my 'special birthday dinner ' so Karl ordered it. We chilled in the backyard for a bit just talking about future plans. Karl brought up me leaving. I still didn't know when I was leaving but Karl did. My parents booked me a flight for next week. Everyone seemed down for the next little while. Karl's phone rang and the person said that we could go get the food.

Sapnap and Karl left to go get food and the rest of us stayed outside. Quackity made some dnf jokes and George started laughing. We all started laughing. Soon enough Karl and Sapnap came back with the food. We all got plates and headed to the table.

After eating it was about 4:45. Karl started bringing out a cake. They all started singing again and I sat awkwardly. I made a wish and blew out the candles. Karl brought the cake back to the kitchen and cut it up. We all ate some cake, until it was time for me to get my stream ready. I went to Karl's room and logged onto my twitch. I figured out how to do media share and got some water.

I grabbed extra chairs and extra water bottles. I checked the time and it was almost time. Everyone came upstairs and Dream parted to his room. I tweeted saying I was about to go live, so people would know. I went live shortly after that. A couple people joined at first. I said my hellos to the stream and brought the 'special guests' in. People started donating video and clips. A couple George edits showed up but I was expecting that.

After a couple hours I decided to end the stream. We all said goodbye to chat and I raided Tommy. We all decided to do our own things so I went to my room. I replied to texts from my family saying 'Happy birthday' and from my friends. I started to get tired so I went downstairs and said goodnight. I headed back up to my room and plopped onto my bed. I flipped onto my back and started thinking. Was it going to be different moving back? Was I going to miss North Carolina even more than before? I got up and started packing the important thing I'll need. I took down my flag and held it.

I haven't told my parents yet.

I make a quick phone call to my mom.  She answered right away. "Hey mom, I need to tell you something, I'm bi." I heard her start to cry. "Wow, I'm so proud of you!" I start to happy-cry as she said this. She started rambling on about if I wanted a flag or not. I told her I had one and it was OK. We talked for a little longer and I hung up.

I heard everyone else go to bed after that. George stopped by my room to wish me a happy birthday one more time. Everyone fell asleep and I continued packing. I grabbed most of my clothes and most of my valuable things.

I got tired and decided to stop packing. I turned my phone off and fell back into my bed.

Happy Birthday to me.

Word count:1210

A/N: Second last chapter. I'm sad this book is coming to an end soon but I hope you enjoyed it so far.

Hope you have a great day/night :)

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