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A/N: The next few chapters are all going to be taking place on the same day just showing the POV of the different members. Idk I just thought it would be fun for a few fillers

Sunoo POV

Today was Saturday. Thank God, we have the weekends off from training, so today we don't have anywhere to be. We decided we should clean our dorm, since Niki has been here for a week and that's the last time we tidied up around here.

Speaking of Niki, this man is my husband. He doesn't know it yet, but he is. I liked him the day that he moved in, but then I saw him dance!? He's acts like a big clumsy kid but when he starts dancing he learns how to control every single muscle in his body. Thankfully, I'm roommates with him so I've been able to get close with him (thank you Heeseung hyung, I love you, but not as much as Niki).

Right now, Niki and I are cleaning our room. He volunteered to clean our bathroom which made me very happy, because who wants to clean the bathroom? "Hyung?"

"Yes Niki?"

"Where's the window cleaner? I want to clean the mirror, I can't see my handsome face good enough." He somehow managed to find a tone which was confused and confident at the same time.

"First of all, you're not as handsome as me. Second, it should be in the cabinet." Sunoo quietly agreed with Niki, but he wanted to maintain his 'sassy and confident' reputation.

"Ah I found it thank you!"

"No problem sweetie"


"Oh nothing!" Did I mean to call him that? No definitely not.

Jake keeps making fun of me for being all 'lovey dovey' with Niki, when we all know he and Sunghoon have some sort of 'we obviously love each other but neither of us will do anything about it' sort of thing. 

Jay and Jungwon are our third set of 'pretty much a couple but aren't' roommates. Apparently no one else in this house notices but I have a good eye for when people like each other. I mean Jay keeps looking at him and Jungwon keeps blushing whenever he catches him.

Simply put, Heeseung is lonely. I don't think he minds, but I feel bad for the guys. I mean he's surrounded by three (hopefully) soon to be couples. He's got to be feeling at least some degree of alone.

"Sunoo hyung I finished cleaning the bathroom" I swear I heard the voice of an angel behind me. Oh wait no it's just Niki. But he is an angel. I'm confused. "Ok Niki do you want to help me fold the laundry?"

"But you're good at it" Why thank you Niki I actually take pride in my folding abilities but i've never told that to anyone.

"Well are you good at it too?"

"I don't know i've never tried"

"Then let me teach you!"

"But then you're going to start making me do it every time" How dare he accuse me of that? I would never make my boyfriend do the laundry. Ok he's my roommate but whatever. "No I won't I promise, but it's good for you to know how to do it for yourself!"

"Fine, how does this work?" He came over at sat criss cross next to me on the bed mirroring my position.

"Ok so first, you need to grab a shirt and make sure it's not inside out." I grabbed both of us a shirt out of the basket and handed him one. "Once it's spread out, you start by folding the sleeves in, then fold the shirt in half and fold it up." I could see him try to follow along with me.

"Like this?" I looked over to see his shirt folded okay-ish but of course I wanted to make him feel good about himself. "That looks great Niki! Here why don't you try to fold the rest of the shirts and I'll finish the rest."

"Ok hyung. You know what? This is fun!" Niki seemed so excited to finish the laundry, i'm not gonna lie I was shocked. "See, if you try new things it might not be as bad as you thought." Does this mean I just want him to help with the chores around here? Maybe.

"Well that doesn't mean i'm going to start helping Jay hyung cook, I will never be able to do that."

"Have you ever tried cooking?"

"Well I tried making dinner with my mom once and it didn't go well, she shoved me out of the kitchen and told me to just go watch the tv and wait for her to finish." Omg baby Niki would be so freaking cute. I need to ask him for pictures one day. Is that weird though? I don't mind, it would be worth it for baby Niki.

"Don't worry I can't cook either. Tell me more about when you were little!"

"Hmm well I've been dancing since I was three, so I've just been joining dance crews and studios for most of my life. I have a sister who's older than me, I guess i'm pretty close with her. Of course I grew up in Japan, but it's amazing there. I miss it already, we should go one day!" Ok i'm not gonna lie I didn't hear a lot of that because I was busy looking at his face and listening to his voice.

"Yeah totally! That would be so fun, I've never been to Japan."

"Well I would love to be your tour guide." I swear Niki just completely changed his attitude, he's like, soft? That was the sweetest I've ever heard him talk. Is he blushing!? Wait no i'm blushing. But I swear he is too! I'm probably imagining things at this point. Niki shyly cleared his throat, clearing the awkwardness since it's been a minute since either of us said anything.

"Um I think I f-finished the shirts" Niki got all shy all of the sudden while rubbing the back of his neck. I'm not complaining though, he's adorable.

"Thank you! It really helped."

"Y-yeah of course." He stood up from where he was sitting next to me. "Um I-I'll just go see when we're going to eat lunch"

"Ok! I'll come in there when i'm done cleaning."


Niki POV

Um I'm not sure what just happened but sitting there with Sunoo got me feeling really weird. My stomach feels like squish and my cheeks started to get warmer once I thought about going to Japan with him. The same thing happened earlier when I was pretty sure I heard him call me sweetie? I didn't mind though.

Since my stomach is feeling weird, I think I'm probably just hungry. So I'm going to ask when lunch will be. Jay and Jungwon were supposed to clean up in the living room so I'll go in there.

"Hey Jay hyung?" I walked in seeing the two roommates standing next to each other in the middle of the room. They both tensed up and looked at me with a shocked look on their face when they saw me.

"N-Niki! What's up?"

"Um I was just coming to ask when we were going to eat lunch."

"Oh yeah! I can start making it in a few minutes."

"Ok hyung. Thank you!"

It might just be me but everyone is acting weird...

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