Jin Ling?

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The dagger cluttered to the ground in pin-drop silence. 

By now, Wei Wuxian ought to have lost his ability to be shocked. After all, who'd have though the ever-smiling, carefree Wei Wuxian, head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang Clan, would turn out to be synonymous with the infamously sinister Yiling Laozu ? Much less, the bullshit he'd had to put up with, brushed off as delusions? But the boy before him was not an illusion, and constantly looked back and forth between him and Jin Guangyao.  

At that very moment, the Fierce Corpse between them lurched forward. Shit. The situation had to be contained before it grew out of hand. Without as much as moving, Wei Wuxian sent another immobilization talisman towards the idiot who threw the dagger. The only difference was that this was a partial immobilization spell, and he could still move slightly. At least that's settled. Throwing a glance at his soulmate, his fingers continued tracing over the flute. Incapacitate him. Nodding his head in understand, he repositioned his hands on the guqin. Shutting his eyes, they began to play. This time, the song was something of cleansing, and something else about it forced Nie Mingjue's body to stay still. One thing at a time.  More sharp notes incoming, as Lan Wangji scrunched his eyes ever-so-slightly in concentration, fingers gliding over the guqin. 

Playing as he'd once done, a lifetime ago, at Xuanwu Cave, effectively incapacitating the gory corpse towering above them. His gaze wandered back to his lover, shoulders untensing slightly at the sight of his familiar silhouette. Wei Ying was here. Wei Ying was safe. Unwittingly, his gaze travelled to the younger Jin. The teen seemed thoroughly taken aback by his uncle's disheveled appearance, and Lan Wangji braced himself for the second wave of betrayal. Even if he'd spoken about it, Lan Zhan found that a part of him still cared for Jin Ling. After all, he could have very well turned out like him, were they not raised in different sects. Some part of him resonated with him. I'm sorry, was all he could think of, though he felt a wave of anger at his behavior towards Wei Ying. Not his fault, he thought, at least he'd no longer hated and detested Wei Ying's presence.  

Immediately, Jin Rulan's head snapped towards his immobilized uncle, demanding an explanation. Shooting daggers at Jin Guangyao, Lan Wangji made his meaning clear. The shorter man withered under his gaze, continuing to tremble like a leaf. Honestly, he could have given Nie Huaisang a run for his money for the role of "Shivering Jemmy". Hurt one of them, hurt any of them, and he could kiss his life goodbye. Begrudgingly, a sickening rip could be heard. 

"I...I came here to retrieve something, " He stammered, cold sweat down his face as his eyes darted back and forth between the pair of soulmates, as if they'd pound on him any moment. 

"With them?" Jin Ling raised an eyebrow. Something was rather fishy here. Obviously. 

"Uhm.. Ye-I mean, no! Ah er, most definitely not! I was kidnapped by the Yiling Laozu over here, and..." his voice trailed off again. Unable to stand any more of his bullshit, Wei Wuxian crossed his arms in a defensive stance. Mirroring him, Jin Rulan looked visibly forlorn. Sure, Wei Wuxian was once the Yiling Laozu, but there was no way he'd  kidnapped Jin Guangyao. His story didn't add up... 

"Uncle, what truly happened ? "the young boy repeated again, impatient as his uncle fumbled for an answer. Even if he'd never admit it, he was fearful. Wei Wuxian shared a look with his lover and Zewu-Jun nodding slightly back at him. 

"Let me tell you what truly happened. You see, your Jin uncle over here isn't as innocent as you might have hoped." Wei Ying's voice cut through the air, and Meng Yao shrunk back as if he'd been slapped. 

"That's not true! Mnn..Mnn! " his words died down again as the other carried on. "the man  you so proudly called your uncle has danced around with many sects. Let's just say, he played many in this life. Murdered wife, brother. brother, father and son alike. He forced his wide's hand partially, and slowly poisoned his sworn brother. " 

At this, Jin Ling's mouth gaped open, and his eyes were the size of saucers. "Shushu, " He croaked out, "Is what he said true?" As much as Jin Ling wanted to dismiss Wei Wuxian's allegations, but his heart already believed him.  At least one of them were true. Speaking of that, he still hadn't forgotten the death of his Ah Yi, and he shivered at the memory of that scene. 

He still hadn't gotten over the death of his Ah yi, and he knew that Wei Wuxian rarely lied, even if it was easier to, unless it was for his own good. Nothing good would come out of him not telling. Or lying. So those words....those words had to be true. Jin Ling could feel the last remnants of his trust shatter. Not again. Not another.... Why was it, he screamed at himself, that whenever I trust, love or care for a person, the person never turns out to be true. Either that or they leave me. He'd lost and had almost nobody in his life, his uncles were the only ones that kept him anchored, but... One was now a traitor, the other still furious and ignoring him. His parents? Long gone. And his other uncle... He didn't want to think about it. A pang of agony and bitterness shot through him, and it was all he could do to keep the tears from streaming down his face. Faintly, he felt a warm pair of arms encircle and embrace him, and he leaned back in the embrace. Then cold steel met with his throat.


A/N: 978 words! Again, thank you guys for reading and take care!  ❤️

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