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"Why do you look that way?"

"Because. I'm sad."

"Don't be sad."

"It's not something I can choose. It's just how I feel."

"You can choose to feel something else. Something happier. Like, oh! You 'member that time when we stayed up until 3 singing duets?"

"Yeah. You liked to sing the guy's part, so I got stuck with the girl's."

"You were really good at hitting those high notes, though!"

"Heh. Yeah."

"Now you're sad again."

"It's an inevitable circle."

"Maybe you should go out. Hang out with your friends, clear your head. I bet you'll feel better."

"At this hour?"

"Good friends don't care if you wake them up for an adventure."

"There's nothing adventurous to do this late."

"No, being so late makes everything an adventure! It's fun to go out and just have some ice cream. Just try it."

"I'm not really into new things at the moment."

"You used to live for new things."

"There were a lot of good things about the past. But I miss more the old things than those new experiences."

"Everything in the past is old."

"No. Not people. In the past, they can be young again."

"And you're sad again. Stop falling back on that."

"It's not something I can shove away."

"Then work through it instead."

"I wish I could."

"There are people who can show you how, who can help you."

"I'm not going to share my deepest feelings with anybody."

"Nobody but me."

"Nobody but you. No one could understand."

"You know that's not true. Plenty of people have been through the same. Don't you want to heal?"

"Sometimes healing isn't an option. The wound is too big."

"They have therapists for that, too."

"It's different, though."

"You were the one to make the metaphor!"

"Even a metaphor isn't a perfect match. Nothing else can feel like this."

"And you're sad again. Why are you sad?"

"Because. Because. Because you were sick, and I couldn't save you."

"It's okay to be sad, but don't be sad forever. Here."

"What's this?"

"A card you picked off the board at the grocery store, remember?"

"This is for a therapist."

"So sadness can finally talk with happiness on that bench."

"I dunno."

"Sadness looks different for everyone. But so does healing. Maybe this is your way, maybe it's not. You won't know until you try."

"Okay, but I'm not sure anything will come of it."


"I guess thanks for helping."

"I'm just trying to show you that sadness isn't a disease, but it is an illness."

"But I don't want to lose you."

"Getting better doesn't mean you'll lose me! I'll always be in your memory. Like you said, that's where things stick."

"But I what if I stop talking with you like this?"

"Then you'll find someone else, someone better. And it's okay to miss me. Just miss me with someone else."

"I'll go see if they have an opening."

"That's my guy."

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