9-Heading to Hogwarts

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The rest of the summer past fairly quickly, without any trouble. The Malfoys were often over at the Snape/Potter household. Draco whispered to Harry it was because their house often felt too big now with Narcissa gone. Lucius and Severus had decided that when the school year came, Lucius, Draco and their two-house-elf's would come stay at Severus's home, much to Harrys delight. They were moving the books from the bedroom-library into the actual library, it was more cramped. But this way, both boys would have a private space to go. Severus helped Harry decorate his bedroom, covering the walls and bookshelf's. By the time they were done, his room actually looked like an eight-year old's room, maybe a slightly spoiled one. An inaccurate appearance if Severus ever saw one. Harry was still overwhelmed by the gifts he received, Severus could bury him in gifts and he wouldn't end up a spoiled, rotten snob of a boy.

Harry and Draco also had several sleepovers, and a camping trip in a muggle tent, which Draco called Primitive and lazy, much to Severus's amusement. Harry also dove into the collection of books in his new house, much to Severus's delight he seemed to be taking a duel interest in defensive spells, and potions like he and Lily had.

The summer was great, now that the house was full, but it felt too short to Severus. All of a sudden, he was packing his bags and preparing his classroom. Trying to ready himself for long days of teaching without Harry.

Severus stifles a cry. This was his first time that going back to Hogwarts hurt him. As a student he'd been so relieved to leave home, getting to leave his broken house was sweet relief back then. As an adult he hadn't had a reason to care where he was either way. But now he had Harry. This sweet boy that trusted him despite all of his many shortcomings. Not only that, he also now had the Malfoys always over at his house. It was like a true community; a weird mismatched family system. he couldn't remember the last time he felt so secure at home.

Just five days. He reminded himself. Then you can come back.

"Hey Sev?"

Severus forced a calm look on to his face, before turning. "Hi Harry, I just finished packing, what's up?"

"Y-you'll be back on Saturday, right?" He mumbles, his eyes on Severus's suitcase.

"Maybe Friday night." Severus comforts, squeezing the boys shoulder. He knew despite how hard this was for him, Harry was struggling too. This was the first time they'd be separated for more then a day

Speaking of witch, Harry dug his shoe into the floor at Secerus's statment.

"Hey, if you're good maybe we can go on a hike over the weekend, I want to get some fresh Baneberries."

Harrys tense face grew with excitement, "O-okay!" He says, finally smiling.

"Can...can I have a hug?" Severus asks shyly. He'd grown to enjoy the boy's warm hugs, but felt uncomfortable asking, he still wasn't used to touching. Harry had no reservation though, and hurried over to Severus, embracing the man, practically burying himself in Severus's fresh black robes.

"Come on." Severus says, leading Harry out of his office. "I should be getting going."

They stopped next to the fireplace, and the Malfoys stepped forward to say goodbye. Severus had originally felt guilty over leaving Lucius with two eight-year-old wizards. But Lucius assured he and the elf's could easily handle the two.

Draco hugs him goodbye, Lucius smirks at Severus's shocked face as he hugs Draco back.

"Take care, Lucius." Severus says, patting his friends' shoulder. "Look after the boys."

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