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Ana sighed as she had flopped into the office chair in her small office. Wiping her hands down her face as she sat the Venti size Iced Green Tea Lemonade down on her desk. She had 4 cups of coffee this morning. It hadn't worked. So on her 2nd Starbucks run of the day she had just decided to stick with a tea this time. It didn't matter though. Nothing was helping. Ana still felt run down. She felt like she could grab a fuzzy blanket curl up on the couch in her small office and sleep the rest of the day away.

The only issue with that?

It was only Tuesday! Ana wasn't even halfway through her work week. She didn't have a clue why she was feeling the way that she was feeling. She had even brought it up to Jay when she stayed with him last night.

His response? Maybe your just getting sick babe.. I've heard the flu has been going around. Ana just simply rolled over and punched her pillow a few times. Now this morning she felt like she had been hit by a MAC truck. She sighed as she stuck the straw in her cup. Smiling with happiness as the cool liquid hit her throat.

 Then before she realized what happened. Everything she had just taken in had ended up at the bottom of her small trash can. Ana groaned as she stayed hanging over the trash can for a few minutes. Making sure nothing else had found it's way to the surface. Once she was sure she was done she wiped her mouth and sat back in the chair.

Maybe Jay was right.. Maybe it was the flu. God she hated when he was right. She sighed as she went to pick up the phone to send him a warning message. A warning he might be next.

Grabbing the I phone off the table she tapped the screen bringing the phone to life. Her eyes getting as big as half dollars and froze while looking at the screen. Once of course she saw the date right in her face.

She quickly clicked on her period tracker app. Nothing clicking and nothing making sense. Ana of course had her fair share of female body issues while she was growing up. But her grandma of course made sure she got the care she needed and of course it had taken awhile. But Ana's body was back to functioning completely normal. Having regular periods and of course they were right on schedule. Until now when she opened this app of course!

According to this app Aunt Flo was late. Really late for her body lately. Almost 10 days exactly late. Ana bit down on her bottom lip.

"Shit." She muttered.

Swallowing she stood up from her desk. Tossing her purse over her shoulder she walked down to the hallway and up to the receptionist desk where she was greeted with a smile.

"Ana! What can I do for you?" Lauren asked. "Your next appointment isn't for an hour or so. I checked myself!" The older woman gave her a soft smile. Ana tried her best to return one.

"Oh I know. Just wanted to let it be known that I'm taking my lunch break a little earlier. Had a few extra errands to run." She smiled at the older woman.

More like she had to find the nearest pharmacy near her and buy a pregnancy test. 

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