The Abyss Stares Back

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One of the worst things about gaining a grudge against Spike was that he worked in a theme park full of Spike imagery. Spike merchandise. Spike fences. Spike himself. It was still Starr Park and not Spike Park, but when you hate something, every instance of it seems to stick out like a sore thumb.

And boy, was Edgar in a forest of sore thumbs.

Every time a customer bought any Spike-related merchandise, he liked to smile at them in a special way. A special, hate-filled smile full of teeth and loathing.

"Thank you for coming!"

"Thank you!" The customers smile back, blissfully unaware. The gift shop door closes.

"You're awfully nice today Edgar," Colette teases him. She, too, is blissfully unaware.

"Yeah," he says. "Sometimes I just randomly feel the urge to be a nicer person."

"Cute!" He frowns. Why does she always have to ruin everything?


Edgar had woken up angry today. He was probably angry every day, but he had a nightmare about running away from a hideous green face that stretched and grew until it consumed everything in sight.

That face being Spike, of course.

But he's not going to let that bring him down. Sure, he wasn't being totally truthful about the urge to be a nicer person, but he still decided to put the joy in it. A smile is a smile, right?

Besides, every customer that bought a Spike item was only taking it away from Edgar's vicinity. Something to be a little thankful for.

He'd still prefer it if they stayed in the gift shop to rot and fester, unwanted.

"I think the new Squeak merch is cute," Edgar says.

"Aww, I know right?" Colette agrees. "Really a fun addition to our stuff. I'm glad the customers like it too."

"Squeaky funny."

Squeak is a funny face. That's one good thing.

At some point, Colette had to use the restroom and he was left alone for a few minutes. Just in time, a family came to the counter.

The transaction was alright. A bunch of the usual t-shirts and trinkets. A young boy rested his chin on the counter and cheered when Edgar scanned the Squeak tumbler.

"You like Squeak, little man?" The boy nods.

"Yes! He's cool!" Edgar smiles.

"That's right! I think so too!" Thank god it's not a Spike fan. This boy deserves a wholesome smile.

Colette makes her way back to the counter as he thanks the family before they leave the store.


"I was just doing my job."

To be fair, he doesn't think he would actually go sarcastic on the kid if he were a Spike fan. Even that has its limits.

Maybe he's just a little nice.

Probably the most awkward part of Edgar's day was walking out the gift shop for lunch then chancing upon Spike himself a few turns later.

At the other end of the path stood the green rival. In the flesh. Or the plantflesh. Smiling.

Edgar always feels weird looking at Spike. How could he know where he's looking? He doesn't have eyeballs! Just to be safe, Edgar waves at him. Spike must see him too, since he waves back. That's his cue to leave. Turning around, he lets his sneakers take him away faster and faster.

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