rule two: keep composed, always

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“So, that’s the terrific trio you always told me about,” Will said, after Ava, Jamie and Chance had left to their motel room across the hall for the night to sleep off their jetlag.

            I tugged down my satin blue nightgown and continued pulling back the covers of the bed. Outside, the English skyline was dark, with silver clouds and snowflakes gently pattering down. “Yeah,” I said. “That’s them.”

            “They’re nice,” Will said, nodding and throwing on a pair of plaid pajama bottoms. “I can see why you like them so much.”

            I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, staring up at him as he shuffled through his drawers for a t-shirt to wear to bed. “I’m so sorry about all this,” I said, gesturing around at the apartment that would soon not be his. “I swear things would be different if I’d known they were coming.”

            He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. I rested my head on his shoulder and shut my eyes. “It’s fine,” he promised me. “Really. I’m glad they’re back in your life. I know you’ve missed them.”

            I sighed, but nodded my consent. The truth was, the longing for them had died down over the eighteen months as life and work and classes caught up with me, but, now that they were back in my life, I realized how much I’d missed Ava’s confidence and Jamie’s dorky jokes and Chance’s careful gaze. They’d always been a big part of my life, and I hated leaving them behind.

            “I have,” I answered. “I mean, I love England and my life here now, but…”

            He kissed me on the top of the head, gently nuzzling my hair and making me smile. “I know, Candi. You don’t have to explain it to me. They’ve always been a major part of your life, and nobody here could ever take their place. Though it was surprising meeting Chance.”

            I bit my lip and stood up, hopping into the bed and sliding in between the smooth sheets. “He was definitely not who I was expecting to waltz up to my doorstep, that’s for sure.”

            Of course, I’d told Will all about Chance and my previous dating history with him. When you’re engaged to someone, the awkward exes conversation eventually arises, and so I’d told Will about my relationship with Chance. Will outnumbered me in his number of exes, and had been the rich player in his teenage years. I was glad he’d settled down and become the slightly reckless, totally loveable boy with the adorable dimples. He was my safety.

            “He’s not like you described him,” Will told me, pulling off his shirt and replacing it with a gray tee that advertised some sports team. “I don’t remember you telling me about those dreamy eyes,” he said in a swoony voice. He rolled his eyes with a snort, and I giggled.

            “I didn’t exactly say he was covered in warts and zits, either,” I responded, flipping over onto my side so that I could face him.

            He grinned devilishly. “Well, it would have been a nice consolation if he was.”

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